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目前出版的西夏文献刻本中,无论是世俗还是宗教,有相当一部分文献在版面的行距、段落和页眉、页脚的空白处插入了众多内容丰富、形式各样的小装饰,如几何图形、花草、飞禽、人物、建筑、文字和符号等,这与当时宋元时期严谨规整、无装饰的刻本形成了鲜明的对比。早有专家学者注意到该现象,笔者也曾撰文就这些小装饰的使用功能和方法进行了探讨~((1))。本文在此基础上,进行了更为广泛的搜集和比较,力争通过类型的对比与分析,逐步理清这些小装饰之间的组合、构成及流变等关系。与此同时,对出现小装饰的西夏刻本,作宏观上的把握和探讨,希冀对西夏文献的研究,起到有益的拓展和补充。 At present, there are a large number of articles in the Xixia literature edition, whether secular or religious. A large number of articles have been inserted into the space, paragraph, header, and footer of the page into many rich and varied decorative pieces such as geometric figures, Flowers, birds, people, architecture, words and symbols, which was in stark contrast to the strict regularity and no decoration of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. As early as experts and scholars have noticed this phenomenon, I also wrote an article on the use of these small decorative features and methods were discussed ~ ((1)). Based on this, this article carries out a more extensive collection and comparison, and tries to clarify the relationship between the combination, the composition and the rheology through the comparison and analysis of the types. At the same time, it is helpful to expand and supplement the research of Xixia literature on the Xixia engraving with small decoration.
本文是由 Brny学会前庭疾病分类委员会制定的关于良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的可操作性诊断指南。该分 类 反 映 了 对 BPPV 临 床 表 现和病理机制的最新认识,并且包含了 BPPV 已知明确的
here are 69 key universities, research departments, national laboratories and military colleges, with more than 200 technology achievements in the seminar. The technological fields are mainly focus on
“包大人,冤枉啊!” 在包青天电视连续剧中,经常出现民众拦轿告状的镜头,而这些含冤莫白的苦主第一声喊出口的,就是上面那句活。 一直以为这只不过是电视片的情节。可是,在