Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection and Parameter Optimization for Support Vector Regression A

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lianghaiyanps3
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Semantic textual similarity(STS) is a common task in natural language processing(NLP). STS measures the degree of semantic equivalence of two textual snippets. Recently, machine learning methods have been applied to this task, including methods based on support vector regression(SVR). However, there exist amounts of features involved in the learning process, part of which are noisy features and irrelative to the result.Furthermore, different parameters will significantly influence the prediction performance of the SVR model. In this paper, we propose genetic algorithm(GA) to select the effective features and optimize the parameters in the learning process, simultaneously. To evaluate the proposed approach, we adopt the STS-2012 dataset in the experiment. Compared with the grid search, the proposed GA-based approach has better regression performance. Semantic textual similarity (STS) is a common task in natural language processing (NLP). STS measures the degree of semantic equivalence of two textual snippets. Recently, machine learning methods have been applied to this task, including methods based on support vector regression However, there exist amounts of features involved in the learning process, part of which are noisy features and irrelative to the result. Future, different parameters will significantly influence the prediction performance of the SVR model. To evaluate the proposed approach, we adopt the STS-2012 dataset in the experiment. Compared with the grid search, the proposed GA-based approach has better regression performance.
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作者简介:高丽凤(1976-), 女, 汉, 河北平泉人,艺术学硕士学历,讲师,河北民族师范学院,研究方向:艺术学、语言学。  摘要:作为一档节目的灵魂,播音主持必须具备优秀的专业素养与较高的主持水平。而在当今激烈的广电媒体竞争中,具有核心竞争水平的品牌栏目,与较高专业素养的播音主持队伍,是其在该市场占据一席之地的主要因素。本文针对播音员主持人核心竞争力的培养进行了具体的分析与研究,希望对广大媒体