
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdronglin
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Aim: To assess the incidence and associated signs and symptoms of patients with keratoconus in Asir Province, Saudi Arabia. Methods: 125 new keratoconus patie nts (51 male, 74 female; mean age 18.5 (SD 3.8) years; range 8-28 years) were recruited from referrals to the department of ophthalmology, Asir Central Hospital, over a 1 year period. Age, visual acuity, and keratometry were recorded along with clinical signs and symptoms. Results: The incidence of keratoconus in Asir Province is 20 cases per 100 000 population. Also, the disease severity is high, as indicated by an early mean age (17.7 (3.6)-years) with advanced stage keratoconus. Visual acuity, with either spectacles or rigid contact lenses, was 6/12 or better in 98%of eyes measured. Just over half (56%) of patients had atopic ocular disease. 16%of patients had a positive family history of the disease and 16%had atopic dermatitis (eczema and/or vitiligo). Conclusion: The incidence and severity of keratoconus in Asir Province, Saudi Arabia, is high with an early onset and more rapid progress to the severe disease stage at a young age. This might reflect the influence of genetic and/or environmental factor(s) in the aetiology of keratoconus. Aim: To assess the incidence and associated signs and symptoms of patients with keratoconus in Asir Province, Saudi Arabia. Methods: 125 new keratoconus patients (51 male, 74 female; mean age 18.5 (SD 3.8) years; range 8-28 years ) were recruited from referrals to the department of ophthalmology, Asir Central Hospital, over a 1 year period. Age, visual acuity, and keratometry were recorded along with clinical signs and symptoms. Results: The incidence of keratoconus in Asir Province is 20 cases per 100 000 population. Also, the disease severity is high, as indicated by an early mean age (17.7 (3.6) -years) with advanced stage keratoconus. Visual acuity, with either spectacles or rigid contact lenses, was 6/12 or better in Just over half (56%) of patients had atopic ocular disease. 16% of patients had a positive family history of the disease and 16% had atopic dermatitis (eczema and / or vitiligo). Conclusion: The incidence had 98% of eyes measured. and severity of keratoconus in Asir Province, S. audi Arabia, is high with an early onset and more rapid progress to the severe disease stage at a young age. This might reflect the influence of genetic and / or environmental factor (s) in the aetiology of keratoconus.
中国如今是举国空前的跑步热潮,因这项运动耗资不多,不受场地限制,没有很严格的装备要求,有益健康,老少咸宜。可在五六年前并不是这样,那时候的大众印象里,跑步显得枯燥,年轻人又有升学和工作的巨大压力。年纪再大些,恐怕又忙于吃喝和泡妞,忙着找回逝去的青春。还有锻炼习惯的,恐怕就剩下老头老太,又被广场舞分流走了大部分人。  现在越来越多的人爱上这项再简单不过的运动,我们禁不住好奇,是什么样的理由驱使他们走
曾几何时,我是一个胆小怯场的孩子,这源于幼儿园的一次经历……  还清楚地记得,那天园里举行讲故事比赛,我竟然在台上紧张得咳嗽不断,无论怎样都难以按捺得住,甚至越来越加剧。就在这时,我的辅导老师很不愉快地扫视了我一眼,并大声对着台上的我们说:“咳嗽的下去!”她的眼神,就像一把利剑把我击溃;那一声“咳嗽的下去!”犹如一声炸雷将我的心吞噬,徒留莫名的恐惧,我伤心地从台上走下。  从那一刻起,在我幼小的心
对于已经厌倦了刻板男装的你来说,为周末时光选择一套彰显个性的装备势在必行我们的推荐,值得你好好看看。心情好了,下一杆就能打出足够的回旋…… For those who are tired