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Vitamin Ddeficiency [serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D < 25 nmol/L(< 10 ng/mL)] was identified in 92% of rachitic Arab children and 97% of their mothers compared with 22% of nonrachitic children and 52% of their mothers. There was a positive correlation between maternal and child vitamin D levels. We conclude that mothers of rachitic children should be investigated and treated for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin Ddeficiency [serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D <25 nmol / L (<10 ng / mL)] was identified in 92% of rachitic Arab children and 97% of their mothers compared with 22% of nonrachitic children and 52% of their mothers. There was a positive correlation between maternal and child vitamin D levels. We conclude that mothers of rachitic children should be investigated and treated for vitamin D deficiency.
Although many methods have been applied to diagnose the gear fault currently,the sensitivity of them is not very good.In order to make the diagnosis methods hav
20例老年肺病患者重复纤维支气管镜 (RFB)检查结果表明 :有 16例 (80 % )经RFB检查确诊 ,其中肺癌9例 ,支气管、肺结核 3例 ,肺霉菌病 2例 ,肺炎性假瘤和组织细胞增生症各 1
1 临床资料患者 ,女 ,2 3a,因右眼自幼视力欠佳、视物不见 0 .5 a,于 2 0 0 0年 5月 2 3日入院 ,无眼外伤史。体检全身无异常发现。眼部检查 :右眼视力 :数指 / 2 0 cm,眼睑
2017年高考古代诗歌鉴赏在题型上做了调整,增加了客观题,且是5选2的多选题。这样的调整并没有降低考试难度,只是节省了考生的书写时间,因为调整后的试卷增加了阅读量。  古代诗歌鉴赏是比较高的能力层级。根据考生的失分情况看,主要表现在:错误理解诗歌的内容,不能准确把握作者的感情,不会用诗歌术语答题,光贴标签,没有结合诗歌内容分析,表述啰唆,抓不住要点。下面我摘要为大家提供一些解决问题的方法。  要读
The geological structure is complex in the Hohhot-Baotou area.Several earthquakes with MS≥6.0 have occurred in the area in history.This article selected the Ho
Objectives: To simultaneously examine adherence to long-term controller and quick-relief medications and to contrast patterns of medication use in children with