来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zy_landicorp
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Different from the reaction turbines, the hydraulic performance of Pelton turbine is dynamic due to the unsteady flow in the rotating buckets in time and space. The dynamic energy efficiency of bucket ηEB and power efficiency of bucket ηPB within a short period can be predicted from the dynamic flow pattern of the free-surface sheet flow in the rotating bucket, whereas the dynamic discharge efficiency of bucket ηQB is defined as the resident discharge in the bucket at the respective moment. Under the operation of higher unit speed nDH than the optimum one, the power efficiency of bucket is deteriorated by the jet interference with the rear surface of bucket ?Prear at the first stage of the dynamic performance, as well as the loss power due to the spilt flow from the cutout of bucket at the later stage of performance. Based on the dynamic performance prediction presented, the future possibility of the quantitative investigation for the negative scale effect of Pelton turbines was discussed. Different from the reaction turbines, the hydraulic performance of Pelton turbine is dynamic due to the unsteady flow in the rotating buckets in time and space. The dynamic energy efficiency of bucket ηEB and power efficiency of bucket ηPB within a short period can be predicted from the dynamic flow pattern of the free-surface sheet flow in the rotating bucket, and the dynamic discharge efficiency of bucket ηQB is defined as the resident discharge in the bucket at the respective moment. Under the operation of higher unit speed nDH than the optimum one, the power efficiency of bucket is deteriorated by the jet interference with the rear surface of bucket? Prear at the first stage of the dynamic performance, as well as the loss power due to the spilled flow from the cutout of bucket at the later stage of performance Based on the dynamic performance prediction presented, the future possibility of the quantitative investigation for the negative scale effect of Pelton turbines was dis cussed
失败的整合过程大多源自于人力资源的整合环节,那么,HR在并购当中如何发挥其关键作用呢? The failure of the integration process mostly comes from the integration of h
2月23日在车展上,宝马集团全球首发车型包括全新第六代BMW5系,新BMWX5,以及新BMW3系双门轿跑车和敞篷轿跑车。此外,MINI家族的第四款全新车型 February 23 at the Auto Show
我国汽车召回的主要法规依据是2004年10月1日开始实施的《缺陷汽车、产品召回管理规定》。在此之后的几年中,尽管召回的车辆数在不断增长,但其他后续法规却一直没有跟进,而且,《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》部分条款规定。也未能与时俱进。这直接导致国内汽车企业在车辆召回行动上动作迟缓,召回效果也远不及其他国家。  可以肯定的是,因为美国相关的法律法规的健全才引发了本次丰田召回事件。    难堪的现状   
在1细胞阶段早期、中期、晚期,2细胞阶段和4细胞阶段,给斑点叉尾鲴(Ictalurus punctatus)和鲤(Cyprinus carpio)胚胎显微注射DNA,以确定产生转基因个体最多(孵化率与整合率之
通过对97例 EHF 患者的阴离子隙(AG)和血清 Na~+、K~+、Cl~-、HCO_3~-、白蛋白、钙含量以及内生肌酐清除率变化的同步动态监测,结合临床资料的分析,本研究发现,EHF 中 AG 升
我国并没有完整地引入国家公园的概念,虽然风景名胜区在英文当中的表示就是国家公园,但是风景名胜区的概念界定,远远要小于国际通行的国家公园的概念,如果将我国的国家级风景名胜区、森林公园、自然保护区加在一块,基本上等同于国际通行的国家公园概念。因此这里谈的国家公园管理体系,实际上主要针对我国以重点风景名胜区为代表的景区管理体系。下面首先来看有代表性国家的国家公园管理体系。     一、加拿大国家公园管理
患者,女,20岁。因1小时前突然昏倒, 抽搐1次,于1987年10月20日入院。患者入院当日中午因腰痛自服消炎痛2粒,约2小时后感头晕,四肢麻木。就诊途中突然昏倒,四肢抽搐(非癫痫样