合乎天理 順應民意

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最近以来,人们都在关注着海峡两岸形势的新发展。台湾解嚴,“三通”的呼聲日高一日;台湾岛内居民被允许以香港、澳门为外出旅游的第一站;接着又盛传台湾当局要开放大陆探亲旅游。在这种气氛下,台湾《自立晚报》两名记者来大陆採访,自然成了一件为海内外瞩目的大新闻。本刊以台胞、侨胞等为主要读者对象。因为工作关系,我们的採编人员,常常与在大陆的台胞和去台人员亲属接触。对他们几十年来因亲人离散而遭受的痛苦,感同身受。福建省东山岛上“寡妇村”的悲凉气氛,蒙在我们的心头;海南 Recently, people are paying attention to the new developments in the situation across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan’s crackdown on “three direct links” is on the rise day by day. Residents on the island of Taiwan are allowed to travel in Hong Kong and Maucao for the first leg of the trip. Then it is rumored that the Taiwan authorities should open their mainland visiting relatives. In this atmosphere, Taiwan’s “Independent Evening News” two reporters came to the mainland to interview and naturally became a major news spotlight at home and abroad. The magazine to Taiwan, overseas Chinese as the main target audience. Because of the working relationship, our editors often come into contact with relatives of Taiwan compatriots and those who come to Taiwan on the mainland. Feel the pain they have suffered over the decades for the separation of their loved ones. The tragic atmosphere of the “widow village” on Dongshan Island in Fujian Province is in our hearts; Hainan
本文提出了一种新的基于遗传算法的快速运动估计方法 .该方法对遗传算法进行了改进 ,采用“阈值法”确定选择算子 ,并将基因变异所导致的随机搜索与特定目标搜索相结合 ,解决
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金融危机及其造成的减薪裁员潮,让不少白领捂紧了钱袋。如果需要新东西,人们更愿意选择用自己的闲置用品跟别人去换,而不是花钱买。网上易物平台不再是年轻人的天下,许多讲究实惠的中年人也开始使用。不过,相较于在虚拟网络上交易,更多人青睐可以眼见为实的新兴商店——易物店。  【项目介绍】  易物店实际上是一个中介机构,帮助有易物需要的顾客展示他们的“货品”,并且统计顾客们的易物需求,帮助他们发现合适的交换物
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