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开始的时候风就是风。风突然就像一只看不见的捞面条用的大漏勺,从天空伸下来,在触到地面的瞬间,猛得又旋上天空,作了一个大的回环。风从高空或远方带来的气流是冰凉的,鼻子会闻到草根的腥气,脸上有细碎的草沫和细沙粒划过。上下眼睫毛不由自主地眯作一条缝隙,算着眼睛的视线。这时要数马路上被风拾起的塑料袋最快活了,它比那些废纸片要飞得高多了。纸片上下翻飞几下,就被风撕碎了,塑料袋不会被风随便撕碎,它会像刚从菜市场出来一样, 被兜得满满的,但兜的是风不是别的东西。红的、白的、蓝的、还有黑的。好像红的飞得最高,红的也最亮眼。它们开始像降落伞起伏几下,后来就如欢乐的彩色气球一样飞得看不见了。 The wind is the wind at the beginning. The wind suddenly became like an invisible sinker for fishing noodles. It stretched out from the sky. At the instant when it touched the ground, it slammed into the sky and made a big loop. The wind brought by the wind from afar or faraway is cold, and the nose will smell grassy turbulence, with finely-cracked grass and fine sand across the face. The upper and lower eyelashes involuntarily make a gap and count the eyes. At this time, the number of plastic bags picked up by the wind on the road was the fastest, and it was much higher than those scraps of paper. As the paper flew up and down a few times, it was shredded by the wind. The plastic bag would not be shredded by the wind. It would be as if it had just come out of the market. It was full, but the wind was nothing else. thing. Red, white, blue, and black. It seems that red is the highest and red is the brightest. They began to fluctuate like parachutes, and later they flew out of sight like happy colored balloons.
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家在乡下,三面环水,小时的那坯土屋虽已作古,但伴随土屋经风历雨的日子却至今让我难忘。记得那坯土屋又矮又黑,地也很潮湿, 相连的两间土屋只有一道门,一眼窗子。时至下午,门
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