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学院简介武汉职业技术学院是湖北省教育厅直属的普通全日制高等学校,是国家重点建设示范性高职院校,以培养面向生产、建设、服务、管理第一线,具有高新技术应用能力和综合职业能力的技术应用型和高技能型人才为目标。学院被教育部列为“全国重点建设职教师资培训基地”,“国家紧缺人才培养培训基地”。是2003年湖北省“百业状元榜”上唯一的高职院校,也是2004年湖北省统计局进行万户随机调查筛选出的15所美誉高校之一。学院占地面积1210亩,建筑面积38.4万平方米,实验实习设备总值7582万元,建有现代制造技术等30个多功能实训中心、83个装备先进的实验室,有9500多台套教学仪器设备和2500多台计算机。现有教职工1142人,其中专任教师730名,副教授及以上技术职称者199人,在校生15616人。 Brief Introduction to the College Wuhan Polytechnic Institute is an ordinary full-time higher education institution directly under the Ministry of Education of Hubei Province. It is a national key demonstration demonstration vocational college that aims to train students who are first-line of production, construction, service and management with high-tech application ability and Comprehensive occupational skills of technology-based and highly skilled personnel as the goal. College was the Ministry of Education as “national key construction of vocational teachers training base”, “national shortage of personnel training base.” Is the only higher vocational college in 2003 in Hubei Province’s “Top 100 Business Leaders” list. It is also one of the 15 prestigious colleges and universities screened by the random survey of 10,000 households in Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics in 2004. College covers an area of ​​1210 mu, building area of ​​384000 square meters, experimental practice equipment worth 75820000 yuan, built with modern manufacturing technology 30 multi-functional training center, 83 advanced laboratory equipment, there are more than 9500 sets Teaching equipment and more than 2,500 computers. The existing staff of 1142 people, of which 730 full-time teachers, associate professors and above the technical titles of 199 people, 15616 students.
从近几年营养品、保健品、养生类书籍市场的火爆程度,不难看出国人为保持身体健康,不吝啬“砸钱”。但令人奇怪也颇为矛盾的是,一方面对自己的健康状况草木皆兵、过分敏感,不停地给身体“用费”;一方面又熬夜上网、看电视、吃垃圾食品……特别是空闲时间从来都懒于运动,将身体弃置“废用”。  于是,我们经常听到有人一边抱怨“身体状态每况愈下”“看病太贵”“应酬太多减不了肥”“生活质量不高”,一边又继续过着不规律的
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【摘要】背景男性的先天性色觉缺失(CVD)患病率为8%,女性为0.4%,先天性色觉正常人群也可由于后天疾病或毒素暴露等诱发 CVD。日常生活和工作中,大部分 CVD 患者存在颜色处理困难,但
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一次函数是中学数学的一项重要教学内容,也是函数教学的基础。如果能适当把握好一次函数教学的机会,就能培养学生学习函数的兴趣,为以后函数的教学做好铺垫。 A function is
业已证明,长程扩血管疗法可使慢性主动脉瓣返流(AR)患者左室容量(LVV)减少而射血分数(LVEF)增加,但对心电图异常的影响未作评价。本文试析之。 Long-term vasodilator ther
A high concentration of the total dissolved gas (TDG) in a flow downstream high dams may cause the gas bubble disease in fishes. To better understand the spatia
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