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“这个城市已经快没我安身的地方了。”“房价太高,快赶上黄金了。”2004年,在普通消费者的抱怨和众多专家、媒体有关“防止房地产泡沫”的告诫声中,全国许多城市房地产价格一路看涨,“虚高”、“飙升”、“暴涨”等字眼散见于全国各地:上海已经跃升为中国房价第一高,2003年平均房价达到5118元/平方米,另一直辖市重庆今年1至2月,主城区住宅商品房销售均价比去年同期大幅上涨23.7%,高新区、渝北区的商品住房平均涨幅甚至超过50%;一些二线城市,如武汉、杭州等地,影响房价主因之一的地价经过拍卖,频创新高……至于涨价的理由,有的说是经济发展决定需求空间扩大,有的说是成本提高(例如钢材价格上涨)而不得不涨价,还有的“归罪”于温州购房团的“捣乱”……虽然,高房价往往是一个城市经济发达的代名词,也是一个城市具有经济吸引力的重要表现。但不可否认,房价过高会因“透支需求”而造成今后需求增长的明显放慢,损害当地经济。 “” “The city is almost no place for me to live. ” “The price is too high, quickly catch up with the gold. ” In 2004, the complaints of ordinary consumers and many experts, the media “to prevent the real estate bubble In the warning tone, real estate prices in many cities all over the country are bullish. Words such as ”high“, ”soaring“ and ”soaring“ are scattered all over the country: Shanghai has jumped to the top of China’s housing market in 2003 Year average price reached 5118 yuan / square meter, another municipality, Chongqing from January to February this year, the main city residential real estate sales price rose 23.7% over the same period last year, high-tech zones, Yubei District, the average increase in housing even more than 50% ; Some second-tier cities such as Wuhan and Hangzhou, land prices that affect one of the main reasons for the price of the house after the auction, frequently hit a new high ... As for the reasons for price increases, some say that economic development determines the demand for space expansion, and some said the cost increase (Such as steel prices) and have to price increases, as well as ”guilty “ in the Wenzhou purchase group ”trouble “ ... Although high housing prices are often synonymous with a city’s economic development, but also a city with an economy Attractive performance. However, it is undeniable that excessive price hikes will cause a marked slowdown in future demand growth and damage the local economy due to ”overdraft demand."
目的 探究为慢性盆腔炎患者采用中药封包联合中药内服法进行治疗的临床效果.方法 选取本院62例慢性盆腔炎患者开展研究,标本纳入时间为2018年01月-2019年12月,随机分为参照组
全球霍乱疫情报告(1995)谭明文译徐兆炜校[WER1995,70(20~29):148,152,160,168,176,184,192,200,208,212.]中国预防医学科学院流行病学研究所(北京102206)全球霍乱疫情报告(1995)@谭明文$中国... Global Outbreak of Cholera (1995) Tan Mingwen transla
目的 探讨健康信念模式在消化性溃疡患者居家健康行为依从性中的应用效果.方法 选取2018年1月至12月在院接受治疗的消化性溃疡患者110例,随机分为对照组和观察组各55例,对照