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20世纪末,随着苏联的解体,世界各国的军备更新速度明显放缓,但军事科技的发展非但没有停滞,反而呈现出厚积薄发之势。进入新世纪,一夜之间“隐身”成为了陆海空装备发展的主流,无论战机、舰船甚至坦克等陆战装备,如果没有采用点“隐身”技术,似乎都不好意思拿出手。那么,“隐身”真的那么重要么?以目前应用隐身技术最广泛也最成熟的第四代战斗机为例,隐身俨然已经成为衡量一款机型先进程度的首要标尺,但隐身其实并非万能。首先,隐身是相对的。隐身并非是令对手无法 At the end of the 20th century, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the pace of arms modernization in all countries in the world slowed down markedly. However, the development of military science and technology has not only failed to stagnate, but has shown tremendous solidarity. Into the new century, overnight “stealth ” has become the mainstream of the development of land, sea and air equipment, regardless of fighters, ships and even tanks and other marine combat equipment, if not using point “stealth ” technology, seem to be embarrassed to take the hand . So, “stealth” is really so important? In the current application of stealth technology is the most extensive and most mature fourth-generation fighter as an example, stealth seems to have become the primary measure of the advanced level of a model, but not actually stealth universal. First, stealth is relative. Stealth is not to make the opponent can not
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2008年8月8日,全世界的精彩注定属于中国,全人类的目光注定汇聚北京。百年的奥运梦想,百年的民族守望,在奥运圣火点燃的刹那,终于成真。 August 8, 2008, the fantastic wor
面对危机,人们只能采取两种应对办法:一是消极等待,二是积极面对。岷山集团公司选择了后者——积极面对。 In the face of crisis, one can only adopt two responses: one