率意灵美 独具风华——论盖茂森人物画的艺术特性

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早在上个世纪70年代,我就开始关注盖茂森的人物画。这些年来,他已经成为江苏乃至全国写意人物画创作的一员名将,作品出类拔萃,自成一家。90年代,我曾经以“江南一盖,传神写心,画作郁茂,森然成荫”四句诗,赞美他的艺术创作状态。近年,于“又一春”画展再读其新作,不禁感慨系之。他的艺术已进入水墨淋漓、出神入化之境,因而得到首都美术评论界的广泛好评。他以关注时代、关注生活的创作姿态,以新时期、新高度的精神追求,以率意灵美、抒情诗化的艺术特性,登上了人物画艺术高地。 As early as the 70s of last century, I began to pay attention to Gemao Sen figure painting. Over the years, he has become one of the most famous portraits in Jiangsu and even in the whole country. His works are outstanding and self-contained. In the 90s, I used the poem “Jiangnan a cover, express one ’s heart, painting Yu Mao, well - off” four poem, praising his artistic creation status. In recent years, at the “another spring” art exhibition to read its new work, can not help but feeling generous. His art has entered the ink dripping, superb environment, and thus get the praise of the capital art critics. He paid attention to the times and paid attention to the creative attitude of life. He pursued the artistic pursuit of the spirit of the new era and new heights and took the graceful, lyric poetic art features onto the heights of figure painting art.
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