来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liantonglingsheng
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In the present study, dot-blot hybridization, serial dilution analysis and densitomctric scanning were used to detect amplification of proto- oncogenes including c-erbB2, c-myc, int-2 and c-Ha-ras in 104 paraffin-embedded breast cancers. Expression of c-erbB2 was also examined by immunohistochemistry. Amplification of c-erbB2. c-myc and int-2 genes was found in 34.7%, 17.8% and 11.9% of breast cancers respectively. However amplification of c-Ha-ras was not detected in all cases. In 11.9% of cases co-amplification of two or more oncogenes was observed. Positive immunostain-ing of c-erbB2 was seen in 23.8% of the cases and it was significantly associated, but not always corresponding to the amplification of the gene. There was no difference between primary and metastatic breast cancer in the alterations of proto-oncogenes examined in this study, which suggested that the amplification and overexpression of these proto-oncogenes occured prior to and maintained in the process of metastasis of breast cancer. S In the present study, dot-blot hybridization, serial dilution analysis and densitomctric scanning were used to detect amplification of proto-oncogenes including c-erbB2, c-myc, int-2 and c-Ha-ras in 104 paraffin-embedded breast cancers Expression of c-erbB2 was also examined by immunohistochemistry. Amplification of c-erbB2. c-myc and int-2 genes was found in 34.7%, 17.8% and 11.9% of breast cancers respectively. Was not detected in all cases. In 11.9% of cases co-amplification of two or more oncogenes was observed. Positive immunostain-ing of c-erbB2 was seen in 23.8% of the cases and it was significantly associated, but not always corresponding to The amplification of the gene. There was no difference between primary and metastatic breast cancer in the alterations of proto-oncogenes examined in this study, which suggested that the amplification and overexpression of these proto-oncogenes occured prior to and maintained in the process of metastasis Of breast cancer. S
腰间盘突出症是以腰腿痛为主要临床症状的常见病,多发病,而晚期胆囊癌肿腰椎转移以腰腿痛为首发症状,往往因上述两种病症的临床表现相似造成误诊。本文2例,报告如下: 例1,李
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