Discussion on the interactive relationship between international trade and financial development

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  【Abstract】there is a close relationship between international trade and financial development. Trade and finance are the two most important parts in the development of national economy. International Trade and financial development interact with each other. International trade has a certain role in promoting financial development, and financial development provides capital for the development of international trade and promotes the development of international trade.
  【Key words】international trade; financial development
  Introduction: With the development of the international division of labor and the acceleration of economic globalization, the cooperation between finance and trade is becoming more and more prominent in regional and regional. We should pay more attention to the relationship between international trade and financial development, and deeply study the importance of financial development and international trade relations.
  Interaction between international trade and Finance
  1. The promotion mechanism of financial development to international trade
  The characteristics of the general financial development are mainly manifested in three aspects: the expansion of the total amount of financial assets, the gradual improvement of the function of the financial system and the increase of the total amount of foreign direct investment.
  1.1 Financial development promotes the rapid development of international trade through the expansion of total volume. If a company wants to be based on the market, it must be continuously strengthened in technology, thus increasing the demand for funds, and the expansion of the total amount of financial assets has made the enterprise strong fund support, which provides convenient conditions for the new generation of technology.
  1.2 Financial development promotes the development of international trade through the improvement of the function of the financial system. The basic function of the financial system is to achieve the allocation of resources in time and space under uncertain factors.
  1.3 Financial development promotes the development of international trade through the increase of foreign direct investment.
  2. The promotion mechanism of international trade to financial development
  Trade liberalization is one of the effective ways for international trade to promote financial development. Through trade liberalization, the cost of financial control can be increased. Financial reform is the ultimate result. The outcome of trade liberalization is financial liberalization.   The development strategy of international trade based on financial perspective
  2.1 Pay attention to the influence of financial market on international trade
  Attention should be paid to the development of domestic market resources. Because of the instability of the international market, the market turbulence often occurs, but the domestic market is more stable. If we want to maintain a long-term and stable development, we can use the international financial policy, combined with the actual situation of China’s market to develop China’s international trade.
  2.2 the development of international trade should grasp the financial policy and seize the opportunity of government support.If we can make full use of the development characteristics of each enterprise to combine its own industry, the international trade of our country will develop rapidly and grow increasingly.
  3. Other strategies
  China can adjust its development strategy according to market and trade development and financial development.Optimize the international financial industrial structure, reduce dependence on foreign markets, increase the development of domestic markets, and open up new areas of financial markets.
  4. Conclusion
  International Trade and financial development interact, promote and restrict each other. While facing the complicated world economic situation, we should analyze the theory with our national conditions. Make correct and effective strategies to improve the relationship between international trade and financial development, and further promote the steady development of China’s economy.
  [1]Guo Xiaoyu.The impact of financial development on international trade,2016.
【摘要】经济的发展,社会的进步,时代的转变对于高校学生学习策略的培养提出了更高的要求。基于移动终端的信息化教学也慢慢渗入到各个学科教学之中。这就要求高校学生善于利用信息化的学习工具,掌握科学有效的学习策略来提高学习效果。本研究探讨了信息化环境下,基于移动终端的教学模式从哪些方面能够改善高校学生的英语学习策略。  【关键词】移动终端信息化教学;英语学习策略  【作者简介】田蕊(1982-),女,河北
【摘要】20世纪70年代翻译界兴起一种跨越式的“文化转向”,从那以后,作为翻译活动的执行者,译者的地位日益凸显,而译者主体性也开始受到学者重视,其中信任、入侵、吸收以及补偿分别是乔治·斯坦纳阐释学理论的四大步骤。在每一步骤中,译者对源语文本必须有深刻的理解和认识。简言之,乔治·斯坦纳阐释学翻译观的关键是强调译者为实现翻译目的所发挥的能动作用。在乔治·斯坦纳的阐释学理论的指导下, 本文采用个案分析法
【摘要】随着教学方法的改进,英语写作要求的提高,教師根据学生的学习状况以及学习情况对教学方法进行改进。而我国的英语教还存在着缺点,主要是以硬性的教育为主,学生掌握的灵活程度较差,所以如何从学生角度出发,有效的提高学生的写作水平,更多的掌握词汇与句式,值得我们探讨。  【关键词】初中英语;写作教学  【作者简介】刘晓慧,成都市龙泉驿区双槐中学校。  前言  英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言,是第一
【摘要】商务类课程的教学所面临的问题较多—师资力量薄弱、教学资源不足、教学模式陈旧,为了改善这一困境,本文探讨了“互联网 ”背景下进行教学创新的创新路径。  【关键词】“互联网 ”;商务英语专业;商务课程;教学创新  【作者简介】张雅林(1990-),女,苗族,湖南泸溪人,吉首大学,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:商务英语。  引言  根据《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学质量国家标准》,商务英语专业学生
【摘要】长期以来,高职英语写作教学与测评是困扰广大英语教师的一个难题,本文拟结合大数据时代背景,以句酷批改网为实施平台,探索新时期高职英语写作教学模式的改革与发展,探讨分析大数据技术在日常英语教学实践中的具体运用。  【关键词】大数据;英语写作;教学模式  【作者简介】刘正飞,嘉兴职业技术学院。  时下随着互联网 时代的到来,大数据技术也随之风起云涌,越来越广泛地运用到各个行业和领域,不仅取得了前
【摘要】词汇作为构成语言的三要素之一,是一种十分基础的语言材料。英语词汇是学生开展英语知识学习的基础。因此,在小学英语教学过程中,教师对于英语词汇教学给予高度重视,但是不可否认的是小学英语词汇教学过程中仍然存在诸多问题,影响小学英语词汇教学效果,及时发现问题,积极解决问题,有效提高学生英语水平,促使小学英语词汇教学教学效果得到提升。  【关键词】小学英语;词汇教学;应对策略  【作者简介】张力,辽
【摘要】小学英语中绘本教学是有利于小学生们学习新语言,理解外國文化的好方法。它促进孩子们的理解,激发孩子们的好奇心,也让孩子们在此基础上发展能力。但是近年来绘本教学的引入逐渐显露问题,在教学内容,理念和教学方式上都有需要改进的地方,这就需要小学英语教师投入精力寻求最佳的解决策略。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本教学;教育理念  【作者简介】刘艳霞,江苏省泰州兴化市戴南中心小学。  引言  小学生图像理
【摘要】图画教学是直观教学法中的一种形式,也是将抽象英语知识形象化的有效方式。所以,在小学英语教学过程中,教师要有意识的去改变以往的知识灌输,要通过恰当的图片来辅助学生进行英语相关知识的学习,进而,使学生在直观的图片展示中找到英语学习的乐趣,同时,也为学生综合英语素养的全面提升夯实基础。  【关键词】图画;小学英语;导入;识词;口语  【作者简介】姚卫华,南京市竹山小学。  小学阶段的英语学习是学
【摘要】2018 年高考新课标I试卷的听力命题素材内容丰富、时代性强,充分体现高考的思想性和育人功能。因此,本人从分析 2018 年高考英语听力试题的考点分布情况浅析2019 届高三英语听力如何进行备考策略。  【关键词】考点分布;备考策略  【作者简介】吴俊杰(1984-),男,福建莆田秀屿人,石狮市第一中学,二级教师,研究生。  一、了解 2018高考新课标 I 听力的考点分布  2018 高