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<正>泌尿系统结石可分为: 肾结石、 输尿管结石、膀胱结石、尿道结石。临床表现为腰酸、腹痛、 血尿、 多伴有尿频、尿急、尿痛等泌尿路感染症状。临床特征又各有不同。肾结石: 腰部有钝痛、隐痛绞痛, 沿输尿管放射至膀胱, 呈阵发性; 输尿管结石: 一侧腰部剧痛, 向股部、生殖器部位放射; 膀胱结石: 排尿困难, 终末血尿; 尿道结石: 尿道疼痛, 尿线极细, 有时用力排尿可将结石排出。 对较轻的泌尿结石, 采用脚穴按摩, 经络穴位点刺和体疗、食
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Plant height plays an important role in the potential and stability of crop yields and represents one of the most important agronomic traits of wheat. Although
Alfalfa(M.sativa L.)is a highly valuable forage crop,providing>58 Mt of hay,silage,and pasture each year in the United States.As alfalfa is an outcrossing autot
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Allelic diversity in the wild grass Aegilops tauschii is vastly greater than that in the D genome of common wheat (Triticum aestivum), of which Ae. tauschii is