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在计划生育技术工作中,取出宫内节育环是经常性工作,在设备较好的医院,术前一般先作腹部X线透视,以判定节育环存在与否及其位置,但宫腔为一立体空腔,X线检查亦不能准确定位,如节育环异位时则更难确诊。目前临床使用的取环器没有客观工作的指示装置,操作时具有较大的盲目性及危险性,亦可能失败,在某些特殊病例,轻者可损伤子宫壁,重者则造成子宫穿孔、大出血,甚至误伤肠管,引起腹腔感染、败血症等,给计划生育工作带来不良影响。因此,需要一种既具有客观工作指示装置,又安全可靠、经济简便、易于推广使用的新型取环器。 1985年10月我们试制了第一代电子声响取环器,在我院及其他两家医院试用,效果较满意。在试用中几经加工改进,于1985年12月第三代电子声响 Obstetrics and Gynecology in the family planning work, remove the intrauterine device is a routine work in better hospitals, preoperative general for abdominal X-ray, in order to determine the existence of iris ring and its location, but the uterine cavity is a Three-dimensional cavity, X-ray examination can not be accurately positioned, such as ectopic contraception is harder to diagnose. At present, the cyclotrons used in clinical practice do not have an objective indication device for operation. They have greater blindness and danger in operation and may fail. In some special cases, the lighter may damage the uterine wall, while the heavier may cause uterine perforation, Hemorrhage, and even accidental injury bowel, causing abdominal infections, sepsis, etc., to bring adverse effects on family planning work. Therefore, there is a need for a new type of looper that not only has an objective work instruction device, but also is safe, reliable, economical, and easy to popularize. In October 1985, we trial-produced the first generation of electronic sound picker, which was more satisfactory in our hospital and two other hospitals. After several trial processing improvements, in December 1985 the third generation of electronic sound
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