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陕西安康历史博物馆及平利县文管所保存有近百幅清末画家甘棠的书画作品。甘棠,何许人也?甘棠(1842~1924年),原名大霖,号醉霞。祖籍四川省城口厅,后迁居陕西省砖坪厅(今安康市岚皋县)。清道光二十二年(1842年)出生于岚皋支河易家坪一个贫苦农民家庭。虽然仅读过两年私塾,但天资陪敏,勤读好学。9岁时时亡,舅父詹惠堂将其带到平利洛河街抚养。 Shaanxi Ankang Museum of History and Pingli County Wen tube preserved nearly a hundred Qing Dynasty painter Kom Tong’s calligraphy and painting works. Kom Tong Hall, what people also? Kom Tong Hall (1842 ~ 1924), formerly known as Lin, No. drunk Xia. Ancestral home in Sichuan Province Chengkou Hall, then moved to brick and floor hall in Shaanxi Province (now Ankang Langao County). Twenty-two years of the Qing dynasty (1842) was born in Langao Yi Jia Ping poor family of peasants. Although only read two years of private school, but the innate talent, diligent studious. At the age of 9, his uncle, Zhan Hui-tang, brought it to Hepinglilu Street for support.
本文探讨了赵家寨煤矿二3煤层巷道的有关情况,重点对巷道掘进新型支护进行了研究,并简要介绍新型支护的价值,供读者参考,以期给类似工程带来工作上的改进和便利。 In this p
禽网状内皮增生症(Reticuloendotheliosis,RE)是由禽网状内皮增生症病毒(Reticuloendotheliosis Virus,REV)引起的以淋巴网状细胞增生为特征的肿瘤性病理综合征,已成为严重危害养禽
人类有机阴离子转运多肽(Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides,OATP)是一类重要的药物转运蛋白,能介导内、外源性物质的跨细胞转运,在药物的吸收、分布、代谢、消除方面起着重要的作用。OATP1A2为OATP家族中的一个成员,在大脑、小肠、肝脏、肾脏等不同组织中表达,可转运各种不同的药物,影响药物在细胞中的累积。因此,对OATP1A2表达水平的调控会影响机体