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自8月底开始的开盘热潮,在房博会前后达到顶峰。在过去的两周里,新开楼盘近20个:9月15日,位于文教区的高档楼盘银马公寓和位于九堡的大众化精品楼盘旅游·红苹果同时开盘,旅游·红苹果凭借6000元/平方米的相对低价68套房源当天售罄,而均价13000-14000元/平方米的银马公寓同样表现不俗,在接下来的两周内,预定量达到131套;9月17日,滨江区两个相邻的楼盘风雅钱塘与瑞立·中央花城同日开盘,风雅钱塘当日预定89套,中央花城当日也有84套预定,两个邻居平分秋色;9月21日,同人·春江时代推出了江景8号楼,起价仅为7680元/平方米,均价9300元/平方米;房博会期间,云溪香山、浅草名苑、西房·锦绣江南、东海·水景城、宋都·新城国际、赞成·林风、野风·海天城等诸多楼盘集中亮相,促进了房博会期间的预定及成交放量;9月的最后一天,绿城西子·郁金香岸二期以及理想·伊萨卡也将推出新房源……金九银十的预言似乎已经完成了一半,接下去的十月,能否再接再厉?据统计,即将于10月开盘的楼盘也不少,本期开盘报道栏目为大家推介的是位于临安青山湖板块的澳洲风情湖景别墅——青山湖81号;三墩的小户型单身公寓——剑桥公社以及文教区的兰庭国际和今日嘉园。 Since the end of August the opening boom, before and after the Housing Fair peaked. In the past two weeks, the newly opened real estate nearly 20: September 15, located in the cultural and educational area of ​​high-grade properties Silver Horse Apartments and located in Jiubao popular boutique real estate travel · Red Apple at the same time opening, travel · Red Apple with 6000 yuan / Sqm relatively low price of 68 suites source sold out the same day, while the average price of 13000-14000 yuan / sq m Silver Horse Apartments also performed well in the next two weeks, the scheduled amount of 131 sets; September On the 17th, two adjacent flats of Binjiang District, the elegant Qiantang and Ruili Central Huacheng, opened on the same day, with 89 sets of elegant style Qiantang on the same day. There are also 84 sets of plans on the day of Central Huacheng, with two neighbors equally divided. On September 21, Tong Chun Chun Times introduced the Riverview Building 8, starting at only 7680 yuan / square meter, the average price of 9300 yuan / square meter; Fair during the Fair, Yunxi Xiangshan, Asakusa Mingyuan, West Housing Fairview Jiangnan, the East China Sea Water Landscape City, Song All Metro City, in favor of · Lam Fung, Wild Wind · Haitian City and many other real estate market focus, promoting the Fair during the scheduled bookings and trading volume; the last day of September, Greentown West sub-tulip shore II and the ideal Iraq Sarkar will also launch a new housing ... gold nine silver ten predictions Has been completed in the next October, can redouble their efforts? According to statistics, is about to open in October a lot of real estate, the current section of the column for everyone to introduce is located in the block of Lin’an Qingshanhu Australian style Lake View Villa - No. 81 Castle Peak Lake; Sandun small apartment - Cambridge commune and the cultural and educational district Lanting International and today Jiayuan.
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