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  唐诗中也不总是“白日依山尽,黄河入海流”,亦有“木末芙蓉花,山中发红萼”。   對汪滢滢来说,唐诗之路的采风是一场寻找痕迹之旅。她将镜头从一些崭新之处移开,对准了那些有可能与古人相遇之处,那些有时光痕迹的地方。



  Road of Poetry in Eyes
  of Photographers
  By Chen Danning
  From May 7 to 13, 2018, a group of 20 photographers toured from Hangzhou to Xinchang, Tiantai, and Fenghua for a field study. Organized by Zhejiang Photographers’ Association, the tour aimed to explore the natural and cultural beauty of the “Road of Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang”. The 20 participants prepared carefully for the tour. They each had a photography plan. In the evenings during the tour, they took turns at presiding at a workshop. Local photographers were invited to attend the professional powwows. The 20 photographers also compared notes with local photographers during the journey. The association plans to feature the road of poetry in photography and text at an exhibition in 2019.
  Four of the 20 photographers gave their views of the Road of Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang after the tour. The following is a summary of what they say.
  Sun Min (vice president of Zhejiang Photographers Association and honorary president of Taizhou City Photographers Association)   During the 6-day tour, he took over 300 photos on his cell phone. He has been photographing on cell phone in the past six years. A great majority of the photos he showed me on the phone were taken in or around Buddhism temples. “The participants picked different perspectives,” explained Sun. “My focus on the temples on the tour was largely because the poets of the Tang tended to stay at temples overnight on their journeys. Their visits added a special cultural touch of the Tang to the Buddhist temples in eastern Zhejiang.”
  “Before I set out on the tour, I cautioned myself to forget about the Tang poetry,” said the photographer. “A tour along the ancient road doesn’t necessarily mean to provide photo illustrations of ancient poems. The Tang poets expressed themselves through poetry and we express ourselves through photographs. They and we differ in tools, times and feelings. This is a dialogue across more than 1,000 years through text and image.”
  Shen Ke (a member of the presidium of Zhejiang Photographers’ Association, exhibition planner, and critic)
  “I never had such an experience before,” commented the photographer. “For me, it was unique primarily because the tour explored a specific cultural subject. We photographers were of different ages and of different styles. The tour was actually an inspiring brainstorm journey.” He had discussions with the fellow photographers during the journey, focusing largely on the tangible and the intangible.
  The tour gave Shen an opportunity to consider the fundamentals of photography. He explored the basic questions of the tour: the photographers took the tour because of the poetry and the road. “How we put the poetry and the road into photos was a fundamental challenge,” commented the photographer. “It would be difficult to understand why the ancient poets came to this part of the province. Cultural tradition evolves for reasons. For us, the tour could highlight different focuses: the scenic landscape, the Tang poems, the local culture, and even essential philosophical issues such as life and death. All these focuses could be portrayed in photographs about the road of Tang poetry. The key was action,” commented Shen.
  Wang Yingying (an independent photographer)
  With a film camera and a macro lens, she took over 300 photos on the tour. The photos fall into two categories. “One is about ancient buildings and Buddhist temples, which abound in Eastern Zhejiang. The time-old images painted and carved on these buildings appeal to me,” explained the photographer. “The other category is all about plants. I prefer the tiny to the magnificent. The flora along the road is rich and pretty. The Tang poems do portray plants and flowers.” For Wang, the tour along the road of the Tang poetry was a journey in search of ancient traces. She directed her camera at the possible places where yesterday and today encountered and where different times fused. “These places set fire on my imagination. I could imagine how the poets of the Tang took all the trouble coming to this part of the country. This imagination motivated me to visualize and photograph the past,” commented Wang.   “The Tang poetry made Chinese aesthetics,” remarked Wang. “I would be very happy if my photos could connect with ancient poems and sentimentality. The wonder and beauty of the road was more than expected. I regretted my films ran out,” she said.
  Li Shun (a young artist)
  Li Shun is by no means a photographer in the traditional sense of the word. His artistic creations are closely associated with photography. During the week-long tour, he made 30 short videos, each about 5 minutes long. “Nature was a consistent subject of my creations last year,” Li emphasized. “I collect materials. They are not final artworks.”
  Li understood that no photographer could photograph something that hadn’t been photographed since 1830 when photography was first invented. “An artistic creation demands uniqueness,” he noted. In order to grab images at sunrise and sunset moments, the group often started early in mountains. The early trips into mountains gave Li a sensational feeling. “Ancient people took all the trouble traveling far to catch glimpse of natural wonders. And they then invented a phrase describing staying at home and revisiting scenic spots through paintings and contemplations. Nowadays, we can surf the internet and access an ocean of video footages at home.”
  The best memory Li cherished during the tour was the moment he ran into a huge fog. “The visibility was no more than 30 meters. The mountains near and far became two dimensional. The mountains in the distant looked light green or gray whereas the mountains nearby appeared dark green. Nature looked like artworks by Claude Monet and his fellow impressionists. I had videotaped a lot of landscape with minute details. This time, the landscape presented itself in vague terms with many details blurred or even wiped out. I believe it was my destiny to encounter such blurred images. What one sees at a specific time in a specific place is one’s destiny. It was like Li Bai who saw a fairyland in his dream of Mount Tianmu. This is what Li Bai once saw,” pointed out Li Sun. He considered it his destiny to see what Li Bai saw so many centuries ago.
5月13日上午,“当巴黎遇上温州——中法艺术家温州写生与展览”活动在温州市永嘉县石桅岩景区的楠溪书院启幕。本次活动分为主题展览、学术论坛、写生创作三个部分。此次中法艺术交流活动也是楠溪书院成立后的首个项目。  “当巴黎遇上温州——中法艺术家温州写生与展览”共计展出包括雷米艾融、安德烈·布布奈尔、让-达尼埃尔·布瓦尔、刘曦林、程大利、尹舒拉等22位中法艺术家的近60件作品。  法国是永嘉侨胞的主要侨
390年前的1629年,也就是明崇祯二年二月初三,75岁的董其昌与友人同游西湖。  此时,他已经9年未到杭州了。又见西湖,董其昌感慨于自己辜负了这片湖光山色,回到松江后绘写意山水并题《西湖曲》——  “林杪不可分,水步遥难辨。  一片山翠边,微茫见村远。”  其实,董其昌与杭州的缘分非常深。中国美术学院教授任道斌先生根据董其昌《画禅室随笔》、《容台集》和李日华《味水轩日记》、陈继儒《妮古录》等文献
一張、两张地契、土地证也许大家见过,但是从明清以来、直至中华人民共和国土改后,遍布全国20多个省市的16000余张地契,你见过吗?德清县号称“江南药痴”的陆有仁就有这些地契。近日,笔者走进坐落在德清县武康镇舞阳街中段隐龙坞的“陆有仁中草药博物馆”,目睹并详细了解了这些地契地证的来历。  今年60岁的陆有仁出生在中医世家,自幼喜欢中医。1981年开始在钟管行医、坐堂门诊至今,一开始就从事各类收藏。那
5月5日下午,2018浙江儿童艺术剧团儿童戏剧节暨浙江儿童艺术剧团成立30周年庆典和优秀剧目展演活动,在浙江杭州湖墅南路上的浙江话剧团剧场隆重举行。  来自北京中国儿童艺术剧院和一些省级儿童剧院的院长、儿童剧“文华奖”“梅花奖”得主、著名儿童剧评论家,还有港澳台地区和海外从事儿童剧创作、表演的嘉宾,分别赶来祝贺浙江儿童艺术剧团成立30周年,并观摩2018浙江儿童艺术剧团儿童戏剧节优秀剧目展演活动。
近年来,东欧戏剧陆续进入中国,它与英美戏剧差异巨大。东欧戏剧继承与革新了来自俄罗斯斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基、梅耶荷德与契诃夫一脉的演剧体系,一直走在艺术先锋和探索的前沿。  来自波兰的剧场导演克里斯蒂安·陆帕,他的多部作品都曾进入中国——《假面·玛丽莲》《伐木》《英雄广场》,去年他还根据史铁生的作品改编上演了《酗酒者莫非》;波兰杨·克拉特导演的《人民公敌》、立陶宛OKT剧院奥斯卡·科尔苏诺夫导演契诃夫的《
墻壁上挂满红彤彤的中国结,满屋子洋溢着欢快的歌声。早春时节,舟山群岛地名工作室、定海美之声演唱团邀请25名来自8个国家的浙江海洋大学外籍留学生,与舟山市民一起载歌载舞,共迎新春。  优雅唯美的旗袍秀、热情激昂的中国鼓、婉转悠扬的越剧、汉风浓郁的古筝表演……一个个中国传统(非遗)节目令留学生们如痴如醉。  笔者从浙江海洋大学国际合作交流处了解到,该校有一支由留学生组成的舟山特色非物质文化遗产表演队—
格特·格罗布勒先生曾是南非国际关系与合作部高级外交官,历任南非驻西班牙、日本、马达加斯加等国大使,目前为浙江师范大学非洲研究院高级研究员。  格特先生于20世纪60年代末毕业于南非自由州大学,随即进入南非外交部工作,其外交生涯涉及美国、英国、西班牙、德国、安道尔、日本、马达加斯加等国家和地区。他在南非外交系统工作近半个世纪,是南非外交史的特殊参与者、见证者。  今年初,作为浙江师范大学非洲研究院聘
走過岁月 阿尔山秋色 生活之一种