
来源 :航空维修与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiaotongqiao
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军民融合推进经济建设和国防建设协同发展,是适应世界军事变革新要求和中国经济社会发展新常态,实现富国强军目标的重大决策,已上升到国家战略。“十二五”以来,凌云集团秉承开放、合作、共赢的发展理念,发挥空军运输机修理基地优势,有效集成航空制造厂、研究院所、高等院校、民营企业和国外同行的资源,积极转变修理能力生成模式和发展方式,在打造军民融合型一流MRO企业的征程中迈出了坚实步伐。 The integration of civilians and civilians to promote the coordinated development of economic construction and national defense construction is a major policy that meets the new requirements of the world’s military reform and the new normal of China’s economic and social development and realizes the goal of strengthening the armed forces and has risen to the national strategy. Since the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, Lingyun Group has been adhering to the development concept of openness, cooperation and win-win development, taking advantage of the airlift repair base and effectively integrating the resources of aviation factories, research institutes, universities, private enterprises and foreign counterparts , And actively changed the mode of generation of repair capability and development mode, taking a solid step in the journey of building a first-class military-civil-integration MRO enterprise.
今年是我国国民经济和社会发展进入第十个五年计划的第一年 ,随着党和国家对航空工业投资的进一步加大 ,为集团标准化工作的快速发展提供了难得的机遇。标准化工作是航空工业