
来源 :国境卫生检疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeka
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为贯彻落实《中华人民共和国国境口岸卫生监督办法》,我所开展了对港区生活饮用水的监测工作。目的在于了解港区饮用水的水质情况和污染程度,改进本港饮用水的管理。现将调查情况报告如下。一、港区饮用水水源概况防城港位于广西南部,防城县海湾的鱼(氵万)岛上。该岛三面环海,属丘陵地带,亚热带气候。港区饮用水源由白沙(氵万)一、二、三号供水井组成。一号井为浅水井,位于白沙(氵万)村狮子岭下,水井由四个4×5米,相互连通的井池组成,水深7米。距离井10米处是鱼塘,环境卫生较差,井壁有明显渗漏现象,近来已停止供水。二号井位于白沙 In order to implement the “Measures for the Health Inspection of the Frontier Ports of the People’s Republic of China”, I conducted the monitoring of drinking water in the port area. The purpose is to understand the quality of drinking water and pollution levels in the port area and to improve the management of drinking water in Hong Kong. Now the investigation report as follows. First, the overview of drinking water sources in Hong Kong Fangchenggang is located in southern Guangxi, Fangcheng Bay fish (million) island. The island is surrounded by the sea, a hilly region, subtropical climate. The drinking water source in the port is composed of Baisha (氵 10,000) first, second and third water supply wells. Well No. 1 is a shallow well and is located under the Lion Rock in Baisha (氵 10,000). The well is made up of four 4 × 5-meter interconnected wells and has a depth of 7 meters. It is a fish pond 10 meters away from the well and has poor sanitation and obvious leakage on the borehole wall. Recently, water supply has been stopped. Well No. 2 is located in Baisha
香港凤凰卫视“两极之旅”的工作队,由加拿大进入北极圈,全程由南到北8万多公里,历时半年的实地考察终于写上句号,完成了中国人结队第一次远征地球两极的壮举。 The work t