Identification and Modeling of Froth to Spray Transition on Sieve Trays

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laopengyou123
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The transition from froth to sprsy regime on sieve trays was experimentally studied in an air/watersimulator with 300mm diameter.It has been found that the regime transition occurs as the clear liquid height isequal to the residual pressure drop on the trays.A convenient and accurate technique was proposed for determinationof the regime transition point.Based on analysis of the transition process at a sieve hole,a new formula which canbe used to correlate the experimental results was provided. The transition from froth to sprsy regime on sieve trays was experimentally studied in an air / watersimulator with 300mm diameter. It has been found that the regime transition occurs as the clear liquid height isequal to the residual pressure drop on the trays. A convenient and accurate technique was proposed for determination of the regime transition point. Based on analysis of the transition process at a sieve hole, a new formula which canbe used to correlate the experimental results was provided.
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