找不到棋盘,你揣着棋子有什么用? 《山西青年》携手企业进高校首场招聘会在太原理工大学进行

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2009年,对于每一个即将毕业的大学生来说是艰难的一年,本就“僧多粥少”的就业形势,如今被突如其来的金融危机闹得更加艰难——担负着消化就业主体的中小企业生存状况不容乐观:利润的下滑,直接导致部分企业出现停招、少招新人甚至裁员以缩减成本的局面。在已经开始的校园招聘会上,来招聘的单位明显没有往年多,需要的职位也变得十分有限。如何才能扭转败局,挽回劣势?如何才能棋高一筹,脱颖而出?这成为企业和学生们最为伤脑却又迫切需要解决的事情——对于企业来说,现在需要的是力挽狂澜的人才,但是,在各种人才市场设摊招聘,并不能全面了解学生的真才实学,因而,录用后不能胜任工作岗位的大学生屡见不鲜。而对大学生而言,大卖场式的人才招聘会,盲目性大,投放的自荐材料多是石沉大海。结果往往是用人单位招不到合适的人才,毕业生找不到适合的工作岗位。如同对弈:没有将棋子与棋盘有机结合的话,任你棋术再高也无计可施。《山西青年》携手企业进高校正是要打造就业棋盘,为棋逢对手的局面创造机缘:一方可以在步步猛攻下探知对手的潜在能力,一方又可在节节防守中展开攻势赢得主动,通过几番较量,以达到英雄识英雄的至高境界。本次对弈双方:山西鸿通公司对太原理工大学应届毕业生,是否能真正棋逢对手,将遇良才?请走进对弈现场,一看究竟。 2009 is a difficult year for every graduate student who graduates. The employment situation of “more monopoly” is now more difficult by the sudden financial crisis - the survival of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) The situation is not optimistic: the decline in profits has directly led to the cease-fire of some enterprises and the reduction of costs caused by fewer recruits or even layoffs. At the already started campus recruitment fair, the units that come to recruit are obviously not as old as the previous year, and the jobs they need have also become very limited. How to turn around and save the disadvantage? How can we make a chess match and stand out? This is what enterprises and students are most hurt but need to solve urgently. For the enterprise, what is needed is to turn the tide. However, Various talent market stalls recruitment, and can not fully understand the students really learned, therefore, after hiring can not do the job of college students are not uncommon. For college students, supermarkets-style job fairs, blindness, put in more than self-recommended materials are overwhelming. The result is often employers unable to recruit the right people, graduates can not find a suitable job. As a game of chess: no combination of chess pieces and the board, any high chess you can do nothing. “Shanxi youth” hand in hand with enterprises into colleges and universities is to create employment chessboard, create opportunities for chess every opponent’s situation: one can step by step to find out the opponent’s potential fierce storm ability, one side can defensive midfielder to win the initiative, through several Fan contest, in order to achieve heroic heroic understanding of the highest state. The game on both sides: Shanxi Hongtong Taiyuan University of Technology graduates, whether the real chess every opponent, will be good? Please enter the game site, a look at what.
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