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台湾北部三莺地区的开拓是沿着淡水河一路往内陆挺进,从支流大汉溪深入少数民族平埔族群住民的领地,开荒垦地,后来左岸莺歌渐次开垦完成,后到的泉州移民遂渡河前往对岸,由大汉溪、三角涌溪、横溪等三溪汇合之三角形冲积平原上,拓垦成庄,名三角躅,至日据时代仿大陆长江上游“三峡”改名为三峡庄,以示心怀祖国大好河山。 The development of Sanying area in northern Taiwan follows the Danshui River all the way inland, advancing from the tributary Daxian River to the territory of the ethnic Peoples of the Pingpo ethnic group in the northern part of the island, clearing land for reclamation and reclamation. Later, the Yingge Song on the left bank has been gradually reclaimed, Cross the river to the other side, by the Han River Triangle Chungxi, cross Creek tributary of the convergence of the Triangle alluvial plain, into Cheng Zhuang, the name of the triangle, until the Japanese era Imitation continent Yangtze River upstream “Three Gorges” renamed the Three Gorges Zhuang, In order to show the great heart and motherland.
气焊和气割简明手册朵吉泽耳等著 0.60元本手册列举了金属气焊、气割、钎焊和加热等方面的工艺数据;介绍了设备、工具和仪器的技术特性及其检查,维护和修理等事项;对于焊接
本文研究了碳酸丙烯酯(PC)、四氢呋喃(THF)、1,2-二甲氧基乙烷(DME)和γ-丁内酯(BL)的纯化及其去水效果。实验表明:本文所述纯化试剂方法,去水效果明显。 In this paper, th
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The traffic volume and the number of heavy vehicles are growing continuously. Considering the continuous traffic flow and the limited time available for road ma