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通过对合肥地区杨树害虫与天敌的抽样调查,共查得杨树害虫36种,分属于昆虫纲7目22科,自然天敌22种,分属于昆虫纲5目10科和蛛形纲1目6科。主要害虫类群为舟蛾科、跳甲科、网蝽科、蟋蟀科和刺蛾科,主要天敌类群为茧蜂科、草蛉科、寄蝇科、微蛛科和肖蛛科。杨树害虫和天敌的物种丰富度全年的动态变化基本一致,均表现为低-高-低-高-低的变化格局。害虫和天敌的物种多样性指数年动态变趋势化基本一致,表现为春季物种多样性指数低,5月开始显著升高,害虫的物种多样性指数延续至8月、天敌的物种多样性指数延续至10月维持在较高的水平上。天敌群落对害虫群落有明显的追随联系。 Through the sampling survey of poplar pests and natural enemies in Hefei, a total of 36 species of poplar pests were investigated, belonging to 22 orders of Insecta and 22 natural enemies, belonging to 5 orders of Insecta and 10 orders of Arachnida and 1 order of Arachnida 6 subjects. The main pest taxa are Spodopteraceae, Pedicaceae, Reticidae, Cricket and Sitidae, and the major natural enemies are Braconidae, Sarcodactylidae, Muscidae, Araceae, and Arachnida. The dynamics of species richness of poplar pests and natural enemies were basically the same throughout the year, showing the pattern of low-high-low-high-low. The trend of dynamic change of species diversity of pests and natural enemies was basically the same, showing the low index of species diversity in spring, the marked increase in May, the continuous increase of pest species diversity index in August and the continuous increase of species diversity of natural enemies To October to maintain a high level. Natural enemy community on the pest community has obvious follow-up contact.
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你无法判断别人是好人还是坏人,但你自己可以做个好人。  外面的墨水就是墨水,肚里的墨水才是学问。  沒有亲眼所见,就不用急着用你的嘴巴来证明。  如果别人朝你扔石头,就不要扔回去了,留着做你建高楼的基石。  如果你想走到高处,就要自己努力,不要让别人把你抬到高处。  发自己的光,但不要吹熄别人的灯。
通过阐述工程项目成本控制的方法、途径和措施,简要说明了施工企业加强成本控制对于增强企业市场竞争力和提高经济效益以及稳定发展的重要性。 By describing the methods,
本研究通过对胆囊结石及胆囊癌病人血清中的TNF、sTNFR检测 ,旨在探讨二者在胆囊结石致癌中的作用。一、材料与方法1.研究对象 :实验组 5 3例胆囊结石和 9例胆囊癌伴结石病人血清及胆
政务景气监测就是对影响政府决策的重要政务信息(包括政务活动、舆论动向、研究结论等)进行的过程性刻画、系统性分析和前瞻性预测。2016年30省市区政务景气指数排序 Govern
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