Biomimetic photoelectric conversion systems based on artificial membranes

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongshu16
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Biological light-driven proton pumps which could transfer light energy to electrical energy have aroused intense interest in the past years.Many related researches have been conducted to mimic this process in vitro because of its potential significant applications.This review describes the progress in biomimetic photoelectric conversion systems based on different kinds of promising artificial membranes.Both biological bacteriorhodopsin and the photosensitive chemical molecules which could be used to achieve the photoelectric conversion function are discussed.Also a short outlook in this field is demonstrated at the end. Biological light-driven proton pumps which could transfer light energy to electrical energy have aroused intense interest in the past years. Many related researches have been conducted to mimic this process in vitro because of its potential significant applications. This review describes the progress in biomimetic conversion systems based on different kinds of promising artificial membranes. Both biological bacteriorhodopsin and the photosensitive chemical molecules which could be used to achieve the the photoelectric conversion function are discussed. Also a short outlook in this field is demonstrated at the end.
儿童喘鸣的急性发作约40%与呼吸道病毒感染有关,其中以呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)为主。研究证明当患儿发生喘鸣和低血氧症时,病毒特异性抗体 IgE 水平与症状的严重程度明显相关。
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