
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhmmmmm
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一、苜蓿茬地对玉米、棉花、 小麦、高粱产量的影响 许多试验及调查证明,种植三年苜蓿之后对改良土壤及提高土壤肥力具有极其显著的效果:增加土壤有机质,减轻土壤容重,增大土壤孔隙度和加强保水力等等,给后作物增产提供了前提。 九月上旬至10月中旬,我们在二十一团农场第一、第二、第三三个作业站有关的五个生产队作了种植三年苜蓿耕翻后第一年种植各种 First, the alfalfa crop on corn, cotton, wheat, sorghum yield Many experiments and surveys show that three years after planting alfalfa soil improvement and improve soil fertility has a very significant effect: increase soil organic matter, reduce soil bulk density, increase Soil porosity and enhance water retention, etc., to provide a prerequisite for post-crop yield. From early September to mid-October, we have planted five production teams in the first, second and third operation stations of the Twenty-one Farm Group three planting alfalfa cultivated in the first year after tilling
The authors sought to identify clinical and MRI predictors of outcome in primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS). Clinical and MRI assessments were perfor
一、绪言 近几年来本省各地栽培紫云英较为普遍,除了地上部的利用研究引起我们重视外,如何合理利用它的地下部是目前极待解决的一个问题。作者于1956—1957年进行了紫云英地
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Background: Autoantibodies directed against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD-Ab) have recently been described in a few patients with progressive cerebellar atax