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出席部分嘉宾:全国人大常委会副委员长何鲁丽、商务部副部长张志刚、国家文物局局长单霁翔、中国文联原副主席高运甲、中国物流与采购联合会会长陆江、国家文物鉴定委员会常委、副主任史树青、商务部市场体系建设司副司长王沪生、文化部市场司副司长张新建、文化部政策法规司副司长雷喜宁、中国博物馆学会理事长吕济民、国家文物局博物馆司副司长李耀申、国家工商行政管理总局市场司司长黎晓宽、国务院法制办公室公交商事司处长董超洁、北京市文物局局长梅宁华、全国政协常委、中国美术家协会副主席王 Some guests attended the meeting: He Luli, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Zhang Zhigang, Vice Minister of Commerce, Shan Qiang, Director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Gao Yunjia, former Vice Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Lu Jiang, President of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, Member of the Standing Committee of National Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee , Deputy Director Shi Shuqing, Deputy Director of Market System Construction Department of Ministry of Commerce Wang Hu-sheng, Deputy Director of Market Department of Ministry of Culture Zhang Xinjian, Deputy Director of Policies and Regulations Department of Ministry of Culture Lei Xining, Director of Chinese Museum Society Lu Ji Min, Deputy Director of Museum of State Administration of Cultural Relics Li Yaoshen, director of the Marketing Department of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce; Dong Chaojie, director of the commercial department of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office; Mei Ninghua, director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics; the standing committee member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association
“对美国人来说,2008年关乎选举;对世界而言,则关乎中国,当奥运会最终揭开它的帷幕,中国将步入国际舞台的中心。”美国《新闻周刊》国际版主编扎卡里亚在2007 “For the Ame
目的 分析鼻咽癌腔内近距离超分割放射治疗的临床疗效及适应证的选择。方法 体外照射 +腔内后装超分割推量放射治疗鼻咽癌 12 8例 ,体外常规放射治疗 5 0~ 6 6Gy后进行腔内
The impact of well watered mesoscale wheat planted on the mesoscale boundary layer structures of midlatitude arid area has been investigated by using a mesosca
听觉障碍是人群中最多发的感觉缺陷 ,大约 80 0个小儿中有 1名出生时即伴有严重的听觉障碍 ,且在 70岁以上老年人中 ,有 6 0 %以上需要借助助听器改善听力(图 1)。手语可能对