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朝鲜停戰談判在進行了四十三天之後,現在終於因美國帝国主义者的疯狂挑(?)和蓄謀要將谈判加以绞殺,而被迫陷於停顿。八月十八日起,美国帝國主义者在朝鲜战場東綫的楊口和麟蹄以北發動了自停戰談判以来所未有的强大攻势,在每個攻擊目標方面投入兩个營到两个團的兵力;同時在四線漣川西北和鐵原以西地區也發動了配合進攻。八月十九日,美國侵略軍派出一支小隊伍潛入開城中立区,展開了土匪般的活動。謀殺了担任巡逻任务的我方軍事警察排長姚庆祥,重傷了我方戰士王仁元。在這謀殺案發生之後不到三天,美國强盗又無恥地破坏了關於開城中立區的協議,在二十二日的四小時當中,连結三次以飛機在開城上空示威,其在晚间的一次竟在我方谈判代表團宿舍附近的地面掃射並投弹轰炸。在我方对這些卑鄙下流的暴行提出严重抗議之后,美方不僅以最横蠻无恥的態度矢口抵赖,同時还在八月二十五日,又派便衣武装人員携帶小型輕武器,潛行侵入我板門店附近地區,再次圖謀殺害我方軍事警察巡邏人員,幸被我方發现擊退。此外,為了與它在朝鮮的狂暴行為相呼應,美國帝國主義者又在八月二十三、二十五僅僅兩 Forty-three days after the North Korean truce negotiations were finally put to a standstill, the result was a frenzied provocation by the U.S. imperialists and a deliberate attempt to strangulate the negotiations. Beginning on August 18, the U.S. imperialists launched a powerful offensive since the cease-fire negotiations north of Yangkou and Linho on the eastern front of the Korean battlefield and put two battalions to each for two targets A regiment of troops; at the same time in the fourth line Yeoncheon northwest and west of Tieyuan also launched a coordinated attack. On August 19, a small team dispatched by the U.S. invasion forces dived into the neutral zone of Kaesong City and launched banditry. Yao Qingxiang, our military police platoon leader, who was murdered as patrolling officer, seriously injured Wang Yan-yuan, our warrior. In less than three days after the murder, the American bandits shamelessly disrupted the agreement on the Kaesong Neutrality. During the four hours of the 22nd, the three-time demonstration of a plane over Kaesong during the nighttime Actually strafed and bombed the ground near the quarters of our negotiating delegation. After our serious protests against these mean and abusive atrocities, the United States not only denigrated it with the most brutal and shameful attitude but also sent on its moccasins carrying small light weapons on August 25 and sneaking into the Panmunjom In the vicinity, once again, it plotted to kill our military police patrols and was fortunate enough to find ourselves repelled. In addition, in order to echo its violent acts in North Korea, the U.S. imperialists returned only two on August 23 and 25
糖耐量减低(IGT)是处于糖尿病和正常血糖之间一种特殊的代谢状态,是发展成糖尿病的一个危险阶段。而糖化血红蛋白中含量最多者为HbA1c,也是最稳定的,它能监测IGT 患者近2~3 个月
代谢综合征(Metabolic syndrome,MS)是指多种代谢异常聚集在同一个体的临床现象,也是多重心血管危险因素聚集的表现,中心性肥胖为其必要指标。主要包括:肥胖症(obesity)、高血压(