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社会主义市场经济的发展和医疗市场的形成,使医院的内外环境发生了深刻的变化,给医院思想政治工作带来大量新情况、新问题,对传统的思想政治工作理论、内容、方式方法提出了新挑战,为此我们每一个思想政治工作者必须研究当前思想政治工作的创新性。党的十六大指出:创新就是要不断解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进。我们探讨当前医院思想政治工作的创新,就是要实事求是地分析当前医院思想政治工作的对象的新特点,明确新任务,树立思想政治工作的新意识,探索思想政治工作的新思路,使医院思想政治工作做实搞活,实现思想政治工作与发展医疗事业辩证统一。 The development of the socialist market economy and the formation of the medical market have undergone profound changes in the internal and external environment of the hospital, bringing a great deal of new situations and new problems to the ideological and political work of the hospital. The author puts forward the theoretical, content, and methodological approaches to the traditional ideological and political work To this end, each of our ideological and political workers must study the innovative nature of current ideological and political work. The 16th CPC National Congress pointed out: Innovation means constantly emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times. We discuss the current hospital ideological and political work of innovation is to seek truth from facts analysis of current hospital ideological and political work of the new features of the object, a clear new tasks, establish a new awareness of ideological and political work, to explore new ideas in ideological and political work so that hospital ideological and political The work is a solid practice, realizing the dialectical unity of ideological and political work and the development of medical undertakings.
同志们: 深圳市税务局根据市委、市政府领导的指示,召开这次深圳特区企业所得税改革研讨会,邀请有关方面的同志对草拟的《深圳特区企业所得税实施办法》(征求意见稿)的可行
自国内第一家私立博物馆——观复古典艺术博物馆1996年创办以来,马未都就严格规定:绝不允许任何一个工作人员跟顾客探讨某件文物的价值。为什么呢?马未都给出的理由是:因为价值会使你对文化跑偏。当你沉浸在某件文物的经济价值喜悦之中,你就会忽略它文化价值和历史价值的存在。正因如此,许多人称观复博物馆是一个“让看热闹的人绝不问津、让看门道的人纷至沓来”的地方。  马未都个人的价值观也是如此。每当有人问他是否
Alloy modification, accompanying with proper heat treatment, is commonly used to improve the thermal stability of NdFeB magnet. Traditional alloy modification i