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绵竹年画在继承传统文化中经过数代民间艺人的创新发展,得以精炼和提纯,从而在我国众多年画样式中自成一家。北宋《成都古今记》辑录的成都“十二月桃符市”的年画,多仰仗于绵竹等县的年画作坊。距成都84公里的绵竹,依山傍水、土地肥沃,自古竹源丰富。竹可造纸,印为书籍,制为桃符点缀年景。绵竹年画远在明代已有相当成就,至清乾隆、嘉庆年间,绵竹年画已成欣欣向荣之势,城内南华宫的“伏羲会”年画行会,年画艺人逾千人,若加上帮工,竟有万人之众。年画作坊多达三百余家,星罗棋布于县城及城郊各乡镇。各坊竞巧争胜,各臻 After inheriting the traditional culture, Mianzhu New Year pictures have been refined and purified through the innovation and development of several generations of folk artists, thus becoming one of the many New Year pictures in our country. Northern Song Dynasty “Chengdu ancient and modern in mind,” recorded in Chengdu, “December Tao Fu City,” the New Year, and more rely on the Mianzhu County New Year paintings workshop. 84 kilometers away from Mianzhu in Chengdu, Yishanbangshui, fertile land, rich in ancient bamboo source. Bamboo can be made of paper, printed books, system decorated with peach Fu years. Mianzhu New Year pictures have been far in the Ming Dynasty has been quite successful, to the Qing Emperor Qianlong, Jiaqing years, Mianzhu New Year has become thriving trend, the city Nanhua Palace’s “Fu Xi Association” New Year’s guild, New Year artist more than a thousand people, if coupled with helpers, There are millions of people. As many as three hundred New Year workshop, dotted with counties and suburbs of the township. The Square competing wins, all Zhen
目的:探讨高剂量X射线照射前后低氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)在人鼻咽鳞癌CNE1细胞株中的表达情况。方法:体外培养人鼻咽鳞癌CNE1细胞株,待细胞进入对数生长期后行6MV X射线照射