Seasonal distribution of total mercury and methylmercury in sediments of the Wujiangdu Reservoir, Gu

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bgtbhu888
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The concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury in sediments were determined at the dam of the Wujiangdu Reservoir in different seasons. Total mercury (HgT) levels in the whole sediment profile were 254.2±47.0 ng/g in winter, 254.2±31.6 ng/g in spring, and 256.7±60.8 ng/g in summer, without significant variations in different seasons or at different depths. In contrast, the methylmercury (MeHg) compounds were most abundant at the sediment-water interface and decreased progressively with depth. MeHg contents of the sediments during different seasons are highly dependent on microbial activity, and seem to be higher when Hg (II)-methylating microorganisms are active. Thus, MeHg levels tend to rise in the loci where nutrient supplies and biological productivity are favorable. The percentage of HgT that is present as MeHg in the sediments increased gradually from December 2003 to April 2004 and to July 2004. The concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury in sediments were determined at the dam of the Wujiangdu Reservoir in different seasons. Total mercury (HgT) levels in the whole sediment profile were 254.2 ± 47.0 ng / g in winter, 254.2 ± 31.6 ng / g in spring, and 256.7 ± 60.8 ng / g in summer, without significant variations in different seasons or at different depths. In contrast, the methylmercury (MeHg) compounds were most abundant at the sediment-water interface and decreased progressively with depth. MeHg contents of the sediments during different seasons are highly dependent on microbial activity, and seem to be higher when Hg (II) -methylating microorganisms are active. Thus, MeHg levels tend to rise in the loci where nutrient supplies and biological productivity are favorable. The percentage of HgT that is present as MeHg in the sediments increasing gradually from December 2003 to April 2004 and to July 2004.
一、引言  证据是刑事案件中认定案件事实的基础和依据,对认定事实具有决定性的作用。在刑事审判阶段,通过证据的证明认定案件事实的过程在很大程度上是一个逻辑推论的过程。
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