Acupuncture treatment of substance-induced psychosis, addiction and pain: A review with case study

来源 :中医科学杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:super_sxw777
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Substance-induced psychosis is an extreme mental disorder that is relevant to up to 25% of individuals presenting with first episode of psychosis.One out of three of those continuing the drug abuse will have a recurrent psychosis.In order to treat the psychosis and prevent recurrent drug abuse which might lead to another psychosis,the therapist should understand all parts of the process leading up to psychosis,including the root causes for the drug abuse and the addiction,the effect of the drugs on the body and the psychosis itself.This article reviews substance-induced psychosis and the process leading to the abuse,the addiction and the psychosis from both West and traditional Chinese medicine and includes three case studies of patients with acute psychosis who were treated successfully.
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2001年6月5~8日 ,联合国粮农组织在泰国曼谷组织召开了亚洲发展中国家农药废弃物问题研讨会 ,粮农组织亚太区域办事处具体承办了这次会议。印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、不丹、柬埔寨、印
Objective:To analyze the syndrome characteristics in patients with chronic persistent asthma.Methods:365 patients (121 males,244 females,60.8 ± 29.1 years old)