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  贾可博(Jean-Michel Jacob),达索国际销售副总裁,早在多年前便对中国市场表现出浓厚的兴趣。在接受本刊专访时,从贾可博先生的谈吐、表情和说话时的习惯动作,无一不显现着法国人幽默乐观的天性,也让整个访谈变得有趣起来。
  Jean-Michel Jacob, Vice President of Sales at Dassault International became interested in the China market a long time ago. U-Jet chatted with him recently and was very much charmed by this humorous and optimistic French.
  Does Dassault have a grand plan for China? Jean-Michel Jacob couldn’t be more categorical about it. “Our plan of Dassault in China is the plan of Dassault in Asia,” said he resoundingly. Dassault works hard not just to make it convenient for customers to buy and care for their planes in China; it also tries to include these customers into its global family. It has done so in Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan and the rest of the Asia Pacific. It will do the same in China. Dassault has a subsidiary in Kuala Lumpur, a sales office in Shanghai and Hong Kong respectively. The Beijing office doubles as the Asia Pacific headquarters, responsible for running Dassault’s business in the entire Asia Pacific including Australia and New Zealand. The company has many partners globally and in China, partners are mainly in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
  “Our intention is to have very specific focus on China, because we know China is the coming market,” said Jean-Michel Jacob. we arrive late but we are already setting up a lot.”
  Dassault is actively building up its sales team to provide comprehensive information services to customers. Dassault gets involved with customers and even identify business partners for them. The Hong Kong scheduler for example, is not just a problem solver, but tries to help customers do best on everything.
  Jean-Michel Jacob revealed that Dassault would dispatch two to three seasoned pilots from France or the U.S. to Hong Kong to be based there. They will assist local pilots, and tutor them on how to operate various instruments and panels. Falcon uses some of the most advanced instruments and panels. Dassault the late-comer is catching up at its own pace.
  The Role of the OEM
  Will Dassault offer a full package to customers, from manufacturing, sales to maintenance and financing? Jean-Michel Jacob said no. “First, we provide good aircrafts; second, we do not finance in principle, because we have our own money used for designing and producing aircrafts. We cannot also use our money to finance customers. It’s a different work, we prefer people who have the ability to do that.”
  In China, Dassault works with Minsheng Bank, Agriculture Bank and ICBC on financing. “Everyone does what he does better, and he can leave to other people for what they do better,” insisted Jean-Michel Jacob.
  “You can trust them better than your own experience,” he added. Dassault introduced service providers and partners to customers when requested.
  The most important role of Dassault is that of an aircraft OEM. 80% of its employees are engineers. Dassault engages in new product R&D all the time. Apart from corporate jets, Dassault also produces military planes. That’s why it cannot afford to slack up.
  A Growing Family
  What’s the weakness in the China market? Jean-Michel Jacob thinks that there are still not enough talents. Another complaint is the slow opening up of the airspace for civil and general aviation. The CAAC is very cautious trying to take full control and have absolutely no surprises. Jean-Michel Jacob endorses the approach and believes in the eventual resolution of issues. He comments that many Chinese customers are highly interested in luxury products. They have yet to use private planes for non-business purposes. China is an economic giant with a lot of industries and histories. In future the business aviation market will undoubtedly rival the west. More and more people will enjoy the benefits and financial gains of business aviation.
  What’s Jean-Michel Jacob’s personal story with planes? The humorous French told us that he had a pilot’s license but stopped flying after getting married, not just for safety, but also financial reasons. What’s more important, work demands most of his time and energy now. Jean-Michel Jacob personally favors F2000LX, loving its cute appearance and roomy interior, quietness and comfort. It carries 4 to 5 people for as long as 8,000 kilometres, really a great choice for individuals.
  Jean-Michel Jacob says every Falcon model has its advantages, and Dassault planes are top-class in both appearance and quality. They continue to evolve and improve. “Whoever buys a Falcon today will be sure that in 5 or 7 years, if you buy a new falcon, even better. It’s not the end of story with Falcon; it’s the beginning of long-term corporation, partnership between customers and Dassault. It’s a long term family relation,” He enthused.
  What’s the goal for Dassault in China this year? “50,” he joked. The true number is 15. “It’s a target, not a guaranteed figure, maybe we’ll do better,” he clarified. Dassault sold two planes early this year. The day we spoke with Jean-Michel Jacob, the third one was sold. Jean-Michel Jacob is a happy man.
几年前,一些书法界的朋友邀我参加他们的一个集会,叫“快哉快哉书法雅集”。为了参加这个雅集,我应命写了四幅字,写的是沈鹏三余吟草中的诗句。现在回想起来,后脊梁还冒汗,脸上发烧。从那以后,我开始买字帖和一些书法方面的书,开始学书法了。  从前,读书人讲究写字,把它称为“文章衣冠”,“三分文章,七分字”。我曾经在江苏看到过清代几位状元的殿试考卷,那一笔蝇头小楷,铁笔银钩,工工整整,就跟印刷出来的一样漂亮
启程前一天,华彬天星通用航空有限公司副总经理曹威接受了我们的访问,第二天他将前往加拿大接回国内首架贝尔429。翻开《私人飞机》杂志,里面出现的人物曹威大都认识,这并不奇怪,在国内飞行爱好者的圈子里,曹威是响当当的人物,而说起他的故事,又使我们对他有了新的了解。    “我其实就是玩物丧志”,曹威神情轻松地说。和许多从事飞行行业的人一样,年轻的曹威言语间透露出一种特有的干练与自信。因为想当科学家,从
上期本刊专访了赛斯纳和豪客比奇两家公务机公司高层,畅谈其在华的维修保养服务特色。本期我们更邀请了法国达索和巴西航空工业公司高管,倾听他们在中国的售后维保服务如何实现本土化的“大计划”:达索准备在华授权更多的维修服务中心,巴航工业利用其在支线飞机上的同步服务优势支持公务机售后服务。    In March issue, U-jet visited Cessna and Hawker Beechcra
2012’秋季北京耀莱奢华品牌文化博览会  7月9日,2012’秋季北京耀莱奢华品牌文化博览会新闻发布会在北京励骏酒店隆重召开。展期4天,总展示面积约13000平方米,约有60~80余个全球知名奢华品牌参展。展会现场,将邀请海内外知名奢华品牌负责人、行业协会领导、国内潜在奢华品牌负责人等汇聚一堂,参观交流。本届耀莱奢博会是中国商务部批准的惟一中国奢华品牌文化博览会。发布会上,为见证2012耀莱奢博
王迦南  人称水右散人,1955年出生在中国北方,1978年考入中央美术学院,1988年前往英国伦敦,继续从事职业画家创作生活至今。在北美、欧洲、亚洲多次举办个人画展和讲学,作品被世界多家博物馆与基金会收藏。    从三元桥驱车半个小时,我们来到了王迦南先生位于北京昌平的工作室,眼下还是春寒料峭,占地50亩的大院里满眼都是行行距距的杏树,而那灿若朝霞的杏花还未绽放。这处被王迦南命名“杏园”的所在,
孔众  早年与父母移居香港,后负笈英国就读于牛津学院。1988年在中国成立第一家中外合资的制药厂。1998年孔众创立美国药物有限公司并出任董事局董事兼首席执行官。由于他在国内一手策划过许多超大型国际时尚盛会,被称为时尚先生。  孔众在2005年当选为世界孔子后裔联谊总会副会长。2009年起,担任曲阜慈善总会副会长。他出资捐赠了三所小学并领养了四位儿童,并与2005年起为中国美院成立了“孔氏励人助学
中国人喜茶,而茶道尤为讲究用水,水是茶之母,水的选择是决定口感的重要因素之一。而近些年来,讲究一些的人泡茶用的多是国外品牌的矿泉水,因为品质值得信赖。而在这个国货当道的年代,喝惯了依云、冰岛、圣碧涛等国外品牌的矿泉水的人们,为什么不换换口味,支持一下国货呢?如今,中国人自己的奢侈品矿泉水已经诞生了,黔山秀水矿泉水就是这枝独秀。  水在平常人看来本乃无色、无味的平常之物,文化属性自然就无从谈起。但黔
航程是否覆盖全国将是商务人士购机考虑的重要因素,如果有人想在全国任意飞行又能省去繁琐的停泊加油过程,那么选择一款航程合适的公务机,就显得尤为必要, 那么究竟哪些公务机的航程可以纵横覆盖全国,本期我们将向您筛选介绍。    猎鹰2000S   达索猎鹰2000S双发涡扇公务机配备新一代 PW308C 发动机,与更小型的公务机具有相似的短跑道性能。该机最大操作速度为685公里/小时,在0.8马赫、载乘
“安阳未来的通航产业设想就是国人买飞机放在安阳,玩飞机来安阳,在安阳想飞就飞。”安阳市副市长、市航空发展建设办公室主任刘国辉如此向本刊描述安阳在大通航产业的宏伟计划。    作为中国历史文化名城和中国八大古都之一的安阳市有着十分厚重的文化积淀,安阳是甲骨文的故乡,也是《周易》的发源地,这里出土问世了中华民族最早的文字——甲骨文和世界上最大的青铜器——司母戊大方鼎,同时世界文化遗产殷墟、中国文字博物
男装高级定制流程  在定制会所中,着装顾问首先会在千余种进口面料中协助客人挑选。每位客人通常会根据季节、个人喜好来进行筛选。譬如,细腻柔软的羊毛羊绒是目前正式西装中较为流行的高贵面料,85%羊毛和15%羊绒的混合纺织使得它在舒适性、光泽度和悬垂感方面均表现上乘,制成的成衣高贵优雅。  在高级定制的多项要素中,服装板型无疑是最为核心的法宝。定制男装可以选择更适合中国人形体特征的西服式样。对于身形各异