
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:typxh123
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当25万平方公里的大地一片冰封雪冻的时候,1988年1月18日,国务院批准了內蒙古自治区关于呼伦贝尔盟辟为经济体制改革实验区的决定。240万呼盟儿女在惊喜之余,又有些茫然。试验区意味着什么?涨价?高工资?国家拨来大笔的钱……试验区领导小组组长、盟委书记,一位48岁的汉子,陈奎元,当我在七个月后到达呼盟首府海拉尔市时,他对我说:“呼盟辟为实验区,国家允许在改革开放和建设中大胆实验,先走一步,加快呼盟的振兴和繁荣。这就为少数民族地区提供了一个极好的发展 When a land of 250,000 square kilometers was frozen in snow and ice, on January 18, 1988, the State Council approved the decision of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on reforming the economic system of Hulun Buir. 2.4 million Hoo Meng children surprise in addition, but also some loss. What does the test area mean? Price increases? High wages? The state has allocated a large sum of money ...... Leading group leader of the experimental area, the secretary of the alliance, a 48-year-old man, Chen Kuiyuan, arrived when I arrived in seven months When he was in the capital city of Hailar City, he said to me: "Since the establishment of an experimental zone, the country allows bold experiments in reform, opening up and construction and takes the first step to speed up the revitalization and prosperity of the alliance. This provides the ethnic minority areas with An excellent development
《中国戏剧》一九九五年总目录(文摘、简讯、图片新闻未编入)《中国戏剧》一九九五年总目录... Total Contents of “Chinese Drama” in 1995 (Digest, Texts, Pictures, New
BEFORE coming to China in 1986, I had spent months collecting all sorts of information on China and asking Chinese friends of mine about their everyday lives.
The output characteristics of phase-shifted long-period fiber gratings (LPGs) are analyzed using transfer matrix method. The transmissions and their e nvelops
星期日订场记录 上午10:00—10:30 东郊球场 11:00—12:00 西郊球场 下午1:30—2:00 南效球场 2:30—3:30 …… Sunday booking record 10: 00-10: 30 am Eastern Suburbs
CBA联赛已经开办两年了,一改球市多年来的“熊市”。笔着认为,如果“大作某些小题”,就可以为“牛”起到“红布”的作用。 第一,我国的球场还是十几年前的老样子。单调的土