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制作新闻标题运用夸张修辞手法,会不会与新闻要客观地反映真实的宗旨相违背?不会,作标题既然是一门艺术,当然有艺术相反相成的辩证法。我们浏览报纸标题,一些一瞥醒目,妙语惊人的好标题,有不少就是运用了夸张的修辞手法。可见,夸张在标题中运用的好不仅不会使新闻减色,还能为报道增彩。这就是艺术的相反相成,标题的出奇制胜。 Making headlines using exaggerated and rhetorical techniques will not contravene the objective of the news objectively? No, since the title is an art, of course there is dialectics in which the arts are the opposite. When we look at the newspaper headlines, some good headlines with striking glances and amazing punch lines are quite a few that use exaggerated rhetorical devices. Visible, exaggerated in the title of the use of good news not only will not make color, but also for the report by color. This is the art of the opposite phase, the title of the surprising victory.
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Dear Editor,rnThe structure of eukaryotic promoter is modular,consisting of different sub-domains(Benfey et al.,1990).Cross-talk among these sub-domains and eff