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中国足球队主教练施拉普纳在续聘后,公布了新一届中国足球集训队名单,宿茂臻榜上有名。记得小宿曾对笔者说:“我相信凭我的实力和执著追求,定会跻身于国家队”。如今宿茂臻如愿以偿,终于披上了国家队的战袍,一个瑰丽的梦变成了现实。宿茂臻,1米87的个头儿。高挑的身材,看起来有点单薄。他待人热情诚恳,说话慢声细语,文文静静的。给人一种平平淡淡的感觉。乍见其人,无论如何也难与绿茵场上骁勇善战的宿茂臻联系起来。宿茂臻出生在美丽的海滨城市青岛,他在青岛化工厂子弟学校读三年级时,便对足球产生了浓厚的兴趣。他后来转到青岛纺织机械厂子弟学校,这所学校的足球运动在青岛市小学中有点名气。宿茂臻在这里接受了扎实的基本功训练。初二那年,他由市34中学进了市体校,开始了比较系统的训练。初中毕业后,他考入青岛市体育运动学校。仅上了一年,就被原国脚徐永来慧眼识中,选拔 Chinese football coach Shi Laipu Na after the renewal of employment, announced the new Chinese soccer team training list, Su Maozhen list. I remember Xiao Su had told the author: “I believe that with my strength and dedication, will be among the national team.” Now Sumao Zhen got his wish, finally put on the national team’s shirt, a magnificent dream has become a reality. Su Maozhen, 1 meter 87 heads children. Tall figure, looks a bit thin. He treats people warm and sincere, talking softly, Wen Wen quiet. Give a person a kind of flat feeling. At first glance, his people, in any case is difficult with the brave and fierce battlefield Sumao Zhen linked. Su Maozhen was born in the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao, Qingdao Chemical Factory in his third grade school children, they have a strong interest in football. He later transferred to Qingdao Textile Machinery Factory children’s school, the football school in Qingdao City, a little known in primary schools. Su Maozhen received a solid basic training here. On the second day of that year, he was admitted to the city school by the 34th grade in the city and started a systematic training. After graduating from junior high school, he was admitted to Qingdao City Sports School. Only a year, Xu Yong to the original national recognition, selection
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王瑗几经难辛,终于寻找到属于自己的新歌《满世界我在寻找你》,她舒心地笑了。为了这一天,她付出了不少时间和精力。 王瑗出生在天府之国四川,当时她的父母支援边疆,只有两