Enhanced Compression of Fundamental Solitons in Dispersion Decreasing Fibers with Negative Third-o

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skoda0412
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Previous work have shown that the combined effects of negative third-order dispersion (TOD) and Raman self-scattering (RSS) can significantly enhance soliton compression in dispersion decreasing fibers (DDFs). In this paper, the effects of the negative TOD coefficient and the effective amplification of DDF′s on the performance of soliton compression are investigated. It is shown that for a given initial soliton width and a given effective amplification, there exists an optimum value of the negative TOD coefficient of the DDF at which the enhancement in soliton compression is maximum. It is also shown that the compression enhancement saturates when the effective amplification exceeds a certain value, which has been explained as a compromise between the higher-order effects induced increase of the ratio of input to output group-velocity dispersion coefficients of the DDF and the TOD induced non-adiabatic compression characteristics. The dependence of the compression enhancement on the initial soliton width have also be studied and the scheme is found works well for solitons with initial widths less than 3 ps. Previous work have shown that the combined effects of the negative third-order dispersion (TOD) and Raman self-scattering (RSS) can significantly enhance soliton compression in dispersion decreasing fibers (DDFs). In this paper, the effects of the negative TOD coefficient and the effective amplification of DDF’s on the performance of soliton compression are investigated. It is shown that for a given initial soliton width and a given effective amplification, there exists an optimum value of the negative TOD coefficient of the DDF at which the enhancement in soliton compression is maximum. It is also shown that the compression amplification saturates when the effective amplification exceeds a certain value, which has explained as a compromise between the higher-order effects induced increase of the ratio of input to output group-velocity dispersion coefficients of the DDF and the TOD induced non-adiabatic compression characteristics. The dependence of the compression enhancement on the initial soliton width have also be studied and the scheme is found works well for solitons with initial widths less than 3 ps.
张之洞 晚清, 曾国藩、李鸿章、左宗棠都办起了洋务,开工厂、造枪炮、开矿、制船。慈禧因他们都是汉人,在人事安排上另有考虑,将三人都予以恩赏并作为调动,曾国藩任直隶总督