凝神聚力 突出主业 履职尽责 努力做好工商部门纪检监察工作——何昕在2014年全国工商系统纪检监察工作会议上的讲话(摘登)

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十八届三中全会决定第36条开宗明义地提出,落实党风廉政建设责任制,党委负主体责任,纪委负监督责任,要求制定实施切实可行的责任追究制度。习近平总书记在十八届中央纪委第三次全会上强调,要落实党委的主体责任和纪委的监督责任,强化责任追究;党委、纪委或其他相关职能部门都要对承担的党风廉政建设责任做到守土有责。王岐山书记也在多个场合对“两个责任”进行过概括和阐述,要求各级党委和纪委要担负起党风廉政建设的主体责任和监督责任。这 Article 36 of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee decided that Article 36 should be formulated clearly to implement the responsibility system of building a clean government and party conduct, the responsibility of Party committees as the main body, and the responsibility of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to supervise and supervise the implementation of practical accountability systems. At the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to fulfill the main responsibilities of the party committees and the supervisory responsibilities of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and strengthen accountability; and the party committees, commissioners for discipline inspection or other relevant functional departments must take the responsibility of building a clean government Duty to keep their own soil. Secretary Wang Qishan also summarized and elaborated on many occasions the “two responsibilities” and demanded that Party committees and commissions for discipline inspection at all levels should assume the main responsibility and the supervisory responsibility for the party style work in building an honest and clean government. This
目的了解2型糖尿病发病动态,为临床治疗及医疗资源合理配置提供参考依据。方法对大连市第五人民医院2005-2009年2型糖尿病数据资料进行整理、统计、分析。结果 2型糖尿病住院
染色体非整倍体是指染色体数目异常,包括三体征和单体征,主要有21、13、18-三体及Turner综合征(45,X0)、XYY综合征及K linefelter综合征(XXY)。在临床染色体异常的产前诊断中
近年来不孕症的发病率逐渐上升,导致不孕的因素复杂,其中女性因素约占50%,以输卵管因素最为常见。随着腹腔镜技术在妇科领域的应用与发 In recent years, the incidence of