
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:queenie88
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Aim: To investigate the vitamin K status of preterm infants who have a prolonged prothrombin time (PT) in the first month of life. Methods: Measures of vitamin K status were assessed in 21 preterm infants who were found to have an abnormal PT, despite 0.2-0.5 mg vitamin K1 prophylaxis at birth. Results: All infants had normal or supraphysiological vitamin K1 concentrations and undetectable or, in one infant, insignificant PIVKA-II, indicating adequate vitamin K status. Conclusion: In preterm infants born at < 32 wk gestation who received ≥0.2 mg vitamin K1 after delivery, a prolonged PT in the first month of life is unlikely to be due to vitamin K deficiency. Methods: Measures of vitamin K status were assessed in 21 preterm infants who were found to have an abnormal PT, despite the fact that vitamin K status of preterm infants who had a prolonged prothrombin time (PT) in the first month of life. 0.2-0.5 mg vitamin K1 prophylaxis at birth. Results: All infants had normal or supraphysiological vitamin K1 concentrations and undetectable or, in one infant, insignificant PIVKA-II, indicating adequate vitamin K status. Conclusion: In preterm infants born at <32 wk gestation who received ≥0.2 mg vitamin K1 after delivery, a prolonged PT in the first month of life is unlikely to be due to vitamin K deficiency.
艺术家:阿翰默德·卡戈冉地点:伊朗,霍尔木兹岛形式和材料:大地艺术时间:2008—2015年委托人:艺术家发起推荐人:帕里莎·特朗尼扎德Artist:Ahmad Kargaran Location:Hormuz I
名誉理事长:陈育新、孙恢鸿 顾问:曾汉光、赖传雅、韦刚 理事长:陈保善 副理事长:黄光鹏、廖咏梅、蔡健和、陈业林 秘书长:蒙姣荣 副秘书长:谢茂昌常务理事:陈保善、黄
作为纽约二十世纪艺术周的重头戏,刚刚结束的纽约战后及当代艺术晚间拍卖以448,062,000美元的成交总额创下傲人佳绩,和去年同期相比增长逾40%。当晚的71件拍品中,共有68件顺利成交,成交比率以件数计高达96%,以金额计更高达99%。  拍卖现场气氛热烈,座无虚席。当晚首个高潮出现在第六件出场的美国艺术家塞·汤伯利(Cy Twombly) 作品《麗达与天鹅》(Leda and the Swan
艺术家:米洛斯拉夫·巴尔卡地点:波兰奥特沃茨克形式和材料:雕塑、装置、干预时间:2011年至今委托人:艺术家,开放艺术项目推荐人:莱西亚·普洛科朋科Artist:Miros?aw Ba?ka L