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以两种分散方法制备不同粒径分布的188Re-硫化铼混悬液,采用涡旋法制得的大颗粒混悬液,粒径大于5μm的颗粒占55%,大于10μm的占19%;超声法所得混悬液粒径小于5μm颗粒占93%,大于10μm的只占0.3%。两种方法所得混悬液粒径分布有显著差异(P<0.01)。稳定性测试结果表明,涡旋法所得混悬液在6min内稳定可靠,超声法所得混悬液在15min内能均匀分散,此后取药需重新分散,且药物仍然均匀可用,颗粒度和放化纯度无明显变化。采用涡旋分散装置制备大颗粒混悬液时,操作简便,结果重现性良好,并同时避免了涡旋分散过程中因手动操作对人体造成的辐射损伤,减少了人为因素对颗粒度的影响。 188Re-Rhenium sulfide suspensions with different size distributions were prepared by two dispersion methods. The large particle suspension prepared by vortex method had 55% of the particles larger than 5μm and 19% larger than 10μm. The ultrasonic method The resulting suspension had a particle size of less than 5 μm accounting for 93% and a particle size of greater than 10 μm accounting for only 0.3%. The particle size distributions of the two methods were significantly different (P <0.01). The results of the stability test showed that the suspension obtained by the vortex method was stable and reliable within 6 min, the suspension obtained by the ultrasonic method could be uniformly dispersed within 15 min, and then the drug needs to be redispersed after the drug was taken, and the drug was still uniformly available. The particle size and the radiochemical purity No significant changes. The use of a vortex dispersing device for the preparation of large particle suspensions has the advantages of simple operation, good reproducibility of the results and meanwhile avoiding the radiation damage to the human body caused by manual operation during vortex dispersion and reducing the influence of human factors on the particle size .
编者注:威尔逊(Robert O.Wilson)1906年10月5日生于南京,是美以美会传教士威廉·威尔逊(William F.Wilson)和玛丽·萝内(Mary Rowley)的儿子。威尔逊毕业于普林斯顿大学,并于
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