Ultrastructure of junction areas between neurons and astrocytes in rat supraoptic nuclei

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdwm
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AIM: To determine the ultrastructure of junction areas between neurons and astrocytes of supraoptic nuclei in rats orally administered 30 g/L NaCl solution for 5 days.METHODS: The anti-connexin (CX) 43 and anti-CX32 double immunoelectromicroscopic labeled method, and anti-Fos or anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemistry were used to detect changes in the junctional area between neurons and astrocytes in supraoptic nuclei of 5 rats after 30 g/L NaCL solution was given for 5days.RESULTS: A heterotypic connexin32/connexin43 gap junction (HGJ) between neurons and astrocytes (AS) in rat supraoptic nuclei was observed, which was characterized by the thickening and dark staining of cytomembranes with a narrow cleft between them. The number of HGJs and Fos like immunoreactive (-LI) cells was significantly increased following hyperosmotic stimuli, that is, the rats were administered 30 g/L NaCl solution orally or 90 g/L NaCl solution intravenously. HGJs could be blocked with carbenoxolone (CBX), a gap junction blocker, and the number of Fos-LI neurons was significantly decreased compared with that in rats without CBX injection, while Fos-LI ASs were not affected.CONCLUSION: HGJ may be a rapid adaptive signal structure between neurons and ASs in response to stimulation.
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在制作教学标本时,在1具儿童女性标本上,见其右侧卵巢动脉由右肾下极动脉发出,报道如下.rn该标本年龄10岁左右,死因不详.右肾下极动脉起自腹主动脉,距肠系膜下动脉1.2 cm处,
患者 男,55岁,因胸闷、气短5个月余,蛋白尿20余天,于2011年11月24日入院.患者5个月前出现劳累后胸闷、气短,就诊于当地医院,诊断为:“心功能不全、双侧胸腔积液、低蛋白血症”,给予抽胸腔积液、输血浆等对症治疗后未见好转(胸腔积液具体性质不详).20 d前胸闷、气短症状加重,出现夜间阵发性憋醒,偶有咳嗽、咳白色黏液痰,无发热,间断头晕.尿量减少.病来体重下降约5 kg.既往脑血栓病史半年,
【摘要】 目的 探讨晚期妊娠合并心衰患者剖宫产的麻醉选择。方法 52例晚期妊娠合并心衰患者根据麻醉方法不同分为三组。Ⅰ组18例,腰硬联合麻醉;Ⅱ组20例,硬膜外麻醉;Ⅲ组14例,局部麻醉。观察患者围手术期心衰症状的改善、产后5 min新生儿Apgar评分、羊水浑浊度及新生儿预后、产妇产后出血等情况。结果Ⅰ、Ⅱ组患者麻醉后心衰症状改善,呼吸循环功能渐趋稳定。患者术中平稳,产后5 min新生儿Apga