
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muyiwenwu
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采用WHO推存的家庭入户调查的系统整群概率抽样方法,对河南疟区2244名12岁以上的居民进行有关疟防的知识、态度和实践(KAP)调查。结果表明,有14.5%的人不知道疟疾是什么病,57.9%的人不知道疟病是由什么传播的。根据所掌握的疟防知识多少,将2244人分为好、中、差3层,研究结果显示,不同性别、年龄、文化程度及经济收入在上述3层人群中分布有着明显的差异;他们对疟防的态度及行为也存在十分显著的差异。 Using the system-clustered probability sampling method of the household survey conducted by WHO, 2244 residents over the age of 12 in the Malaria area of ​​Henan Province were surveyed for Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) on malaria prevention. The results show that 14.5% of people do not know what malaria is, and 57.9% do not know what causes malaria. Based on the knowledge of malaria prevention, 2244 people were divided into 3 levels: good, medium, and poor. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences in the distribution of gender, age, education, and economic income among the above three-tiered population; There are also significant differences in the attitude and behavior of malaria prevention.
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持续的旱情,催化了埋在这片土地深处的问题,在滑县——河南省第一产粮大县,出现了抓阄决定浇地次序的事情,让人联想起30年前的小岗村    雨水从2009年2月7日中午开始。  细密的雨滴貌似灰色的烟雾,弥漫在这个名叫干柳树前街的豫北乡村里(下简称干前村)。  干前村是河南滑县1020个行政村之一,位于上官镇,隶属安阳市管辖,距离省会郑州153公里。全村约200户人家,近900多人。  地面上的坑洼里
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