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邦格(Bong)采矿公司穿孔作业的主要问题起因于缺乏熟练工人和管理不善。它们影响穿孔工作的进一步最佳化,特别影响准确数据的汇编和评价以及这些数据与不同特性岩石的配合。因此,倾向于安设自动记录装置,以便取得可以用计算机处理的数据。今后穿孔的发展趋势,是采用直径381毫米的炮孔,可能的话,采用444毫米的大孔。由于根据岩石特性,国产炸药和气候影响因素不断调整爆破参数和改进爆破技术,总的来说,爆破结果是满意的,而且同世界其它类似的露天铁矿相比,炸药消耗量较低。然而,爆破效果仍然受到炸药价格高和没有较能适应当地情况的炸药的严重影响。由于不久将要开采窄矿体,为了取得高效率和满足品位准确控制的要求,需要改变爆破工艺。今后的趋势是推行多排大区爆破法,使穿孔工作不受矿山其它作业的影响。为此,试图放弃目前的选别穿孔和爆破技术,改用可以选别装载和运输的爆破方法。用硝基碳硝酸盐(NCN)铝粉敏化浆状炸药代替混合使用TNT浆状炸药和铵油炸药,因为前者的体积威力更能适应岩石的特点。用等边三角形孔网取代方形孔网并用球状药包代替柱状药包,与发展多排大区爆破技术相配合。 The main problems with perforation operations at Bong mining companies stem from a lack of skilled workers and mismanagement. They affect the further optimization of the work of perforation, in particular the compilation and evaluation of accurate data and the cooperation of these data with rocks of different qualities. Therefore, there is a tendency to install an automatic recording device in order to obtain data that can be computer-processed. The future trend of perforation is the use of 381 mm diameter holes, if possible, 444 mm holes. Due to the continuous adjustment of blasting parameters and improvement of blasting techniques, based on rock properties, domestic explosives and climatic factors, the blasting results are generally satisfactory and the explosives consumption is lower than other similar open-pit iron mines in the world. However, the blasting effect is still severely affected by the high price of explosives and the lack of adaptability to the local situation. Due to the near future mining of narrow ore bodies, the blasting process needs to be changed in order to achieve high efficiency and to meet the requirements of accurate control of quality. The future trend is the implementation of multiple rows of blasting laws in the region so that perforation work is not affected by other operations in the mine. To this end, trying to abandon the current sorting perforation and blasting technology, can choose to do the loading and transport blasting method. Nitrocarbon nitrate (NCN) aluminum powder sensitized slurry explosives instead of mixed use of TNT slurry explosives and ammonium oil explosives, because of the volume and power of the former more to adapt to the characteristics of rock. Replace the square hole mesh with the equilateral triangular hole net and replace the cylindrical kits with the spherical kits, which is compatible with the development of multi-row large area blasting techniques.
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