Unit 5 The power of nature

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  1. The new studio is well _________, so we should make a better use of the new ____________.(equip)
  2. As soon as he was __________ as the manager of this company, he made an ___________ with professor Zhang to talk about the new product.(appoint)
  3. The picture shows a volcano ___________. The __________ of a volcano is fantastic as well as disastrous. (erupt)
  4. The hotel provides so many modern _________ that it must be very _____________(comfort)
  5. Hardly had he heard the _________ when the bird was _________ and fell. (shoot)
  6. Mary was frustrated by the lack of ___________ shown of her work. (appreciate)
  7. The mother was filled with ___________about her daughter’s health. (anxious)
  8. He lost _________________ after he was hit by a car. The doctor said he was___________ from his loss of blood. (conscious)
  9. We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural ____________ of the United States.(diverse)
  10. I had broken up with Jimmy for 10 years, so I ___________ refused it when Jessie asked me to take part in his birthday party. (absolute)
  1.为了摆脱新经理指派的工作所带来的焦虑感, Wilson请了假。(anxiety, appoint)
  2. 他们到了一个小岛,在海边生火烤鱼,谈笑风生。(alongside)
  3. 当意识到地震到来的时候,他们都非常恐慌。(panic)
  4. 原来这个小岛是个海里的休眠火山。(actually)
  5. 当他的故事发表后,大家都认为他是个有潜质的作家。(potential)
  burn to the ground, make one’s way, glance through, vary from...to..., protect...from, compared with, in the distance
  An Exciting Job是一篇记叙文,记叙文的概括一般需包含六大要素:Who, When, Where, What, Why, How。找出这六要素,然后用约30个词将其连接起来就是这篇文章的摘要了。
  1. 请谈谈人类活动与自然灾害的联系;
  2. 用你亲身经历过或者听说过的一次自然灾害为例说明其危害性;
  3. 你认为应该怎么做才能避免或者减少自然灾害的发生呢?
  A member of the Beijing municipal committee of the National People’s Political Consultative Conference proposed this week to___1___the use of fresh water for car washing. This member, who himself owns 15 car service outlets, revealed that the total___2___of fresh water for car washing could be as much as 30 million tons a year in Beijing alone.
  The waste of such a large volume of fresh water is a great drain on rapidly receding ground water resources. If___3___water can be used instead, the amount of fresh water to be saved will___4___agricultural irrigation in the capital’s neighboring areas.
  Another waste that has even more to do with green house emissions is central___5___. Most households do not have___6___ to control the temperature of their rooms. Even if the temperature is too high, they can do nothing to lower it other than opening windows.
  If they can control the temperature, it will mean not only less coal or gas is burned but also reduce green house emissions. There is___7___ a lot more we can do to reduce our___8___ of nature.
  Although we can___9___ achieve immediate effects from doing these, they will reduce the pace of global warming and___10___the chances of extreme weather conditions which threaten our lives.
  1. A. prevent B. get
  C. ban ___D. develop
  2. A. consumption ___B. tons
  C. city ___D. cost
  3. A. fresh ___B. sea
  C. recycled D. dirty
  4. A. lead to B. take advantage of
  C. break into ___D. make a difference to
  5. A. heating B. cooling
  C. control ___D. temperature
  6. A. equipments ___B. devices
  C. facilities D. tools
  7. A. absolutely ___B. actually
  C. normally D. eventually
  8. A. exploration ___B. expense
  C. expedition ___D. exploitation
  9. A. easily___ B. never
  C. hardly ___D. immediately
  10. A. thus ___B. still
  C. instead D. even
  I revisited Beichuan on Mid-Autumn Festival. As the car drove into the ruined city, tears streamed down my cheeks. Gigantic(巨大的)rocks from the mountain destroyed the road and houses collapsed, breaking into bricks and pieces of cement(水泥). I couldn’t reallyimagine___1___that split second, how much pain they had suffered or___2___desperate they felt as they waited to be rescued. ___3___I wandered in the wreck-age(废墟), I was lost in deep thoughts.
  The day before, we were sitting in the___4___(bright) lit classroom, heatedly debating the importance of shapes, colors and styles in architecture, comparing ancient time housing to the modern ones.
  Now___5___(face) the wreckage, I realized how na?ve and immature we were and how easily we forgot the most important element of architect is SAFETY. It___ 6___ (be) how housing is supposed to be.
  Words after___7___a tremendous scale of disaster could appear nothing___8___ empty and pointless. So many people’s lives were taken, so much damage was done and a whole city was wiped out. Beichuan has become___9___ history.___10___, I still keep on dreaming and still strive for a better future.
  必修六Unit 1 Art
  1. faithfully, faithful, faith
  2. Evidently, evidence, evident
  3. convention, conventional, conventionally
  4. predict, predictable, prediction
  5. civilization, civilized
  6. fragrant, fragrances(香水,[C])
  Confucius(孔子) was a famous scholar in ancient China. He enjoyed a good reputation and educated many pupils. Some people may think that his educational ideas are abstract but he was really good at using typical/specific examples to make himself understood. In brief, his ideas and spirit will be permanent in the superb palace of knowledge.
  (1) a great deal of(2) in possession of (3) scores of (4) Influenced by (5) attempts to (6) concentrate on(7) have a preference for (8) appeals to (9) in the flesh
  1. Part One(第1句至第2句);
   Part Two: (第3句至最后一句)
  2. The styles of being abstract and realistic.
  3. 参考例文:
  Modern art, with impressionist paintings as its beginning, can have completely different styles. Some modern art is abstract, concentrating on certain qualities of the object, while some is realistic and therefore look like photographs.
  Modern art, under the influence of impressionist paintings, surprisingly have different styles. Not only can it be abstract, focusing mainly on certain qualities of the item, but it can be realistic and thus bears the resemblance to photos.
  In my opinion, I will choose the course Introduction to Chinese Art for the following reasons. First, as Chinese, we shoulder the responsibility to know more about Chinese culture, in which case we are able to better introduce our motherland to foreign friends. Second, China is a country with a long history, which never fails to fascinate me. Art enables me to further my study about Chinese history and the important events.
  I would like to know about the stories of the artists in ancient China and how they contributed to the development of art as well. I am also interested in the influence of Chinese art on western countries, from which I can learn western culture at the same time.
  In brief, Chinese art appeals to me, which will definitely arouse my enthusiasm and widen my horizon.
  1. because。该句与前一句构成因果关系,引导原因状语从句用because。
  2. existence。“in existence”表示“存在的”。
  3. that。固定句型:so/such ...that。
  4. as。搭配:imagine sb. as ... 把某人想象为……。
  5. an。可数名词在句中以单数形式出现,该名词前很可能填冠词,若是泛指,用a或an;若是特指,用the。
  6. his。指Shakespeare’s。
  7. to show。搭配:the first 名词 to do。
  8. for。表示延续了多久,时间段前用for。介词for还可表示目的地、目标、原因、(态度上)支持、赞同等。
  9. authenticity。所要填的词在句中作宾语,应用名词。此外,还可这样分析:名词所有格(the picture’s)后应该使用名词。
  10. is convinced。 convince的意思是“使某人确信”。句意:大部分的英国人相信这幅画是真的。
  1. C。“studio”意思是“画室、工作室”,从第三段第1句也可得知。
  2. A。从第一段最后一句,可推断学生的生活是很忙碌的。
  3. B。“put aside”意思是“把……放一边”,证明学生到晚上11点半才可把画画工具放下,才可以休息。
  4. D。通过下文“因为你学到东西和得到提高”,可得知每天都是“有意义的”。
  5. B。“value”意思是“重视”。其他选项过于绝对,也不符合逻辑。
  6. D。 句子前后构成因果关系。艺术生不可忽略文化课程,所以刘伟每逢周一下午都忙于多个一般学科的学习。
  7. D。句意:老师经常到长沙,帮助他们复习课文。
  8. C。句意:刘伟对一般学科的课程学习很有信心,但他仍然花整个早上的时间来学习英语和语文。
  9. C。“go through”意思是“经历”。
  10. A。“gain”与“pain”相对,表示“经历了痛苦后,你将最终有所收获。”
  必修六 Unit 2 Poems
  1. poets; poetry; poems; poetic
  2. imagination; imaginative; imaginary; imaginable/imagined
  3. translators; translations
  4. contradiction; contradictory
  5. library ; librarian 6. ended/ ends; endless
  darkness; rhymes; endless; bridegroom; sorrow; exchanging; eventually; translations
  1. After hundreds of years of development, human beings have run out of most of the non-renewable resources.
  2. Although many people are concerned about the arrival of the energy crisis, still, a small part of people, those who are ignorant in particular say that: “Take it easy, we still have a lot of resource.”
  3. A research group made up of some professionals is thinking of how to solve this problem.
  4. The experts are gradually trying some new findings on the resource.
  5. When the experts make an announcement that they have invented a kind of car which is propelled by the solar energy, the public let out a cry of excitement.
  参考短文: After hundreds of years of development, human beings have run out of most of the non-renewable resources. Although many people are concerned about the arrival of the energy crisis, still, a small part of people, those who are ignorant in particular, say that: “Take it easy, we still have a lot of resource.” A research group made up of some professionals is thinking of ways to solve this problem. The experts are gradually trying some new findings on the resource. When the experts make an announcement that they have invented a kind of car which is propelled by the solar energy, the public let out a cry of excitement.
  1. Five kinds of poems are mentioned and they are nursery rhymes, list poems, cinquain, haiku and Chinese poems.
  2. Nursery rhymes, whose language is concrete but imaginative, are specially written for children.
  3. List poems have a flexible line length and the repeated phrases.
  4. Cinquain is a kind of poems made up of 5 lines.
  5. Haiku mainly comes from Japan, and it is special for using the minimum or words to create a clear picture.
  6. Chinese poetry is also enjoyed by people over the world.
  Summary: Five different kinds of poems are introduced. Nursery rhymes usually delight children. Besides, list poems and Cinquain are well known for their special patterns. What’s more, Haiku, famous for its simplicity and conciseness, and Chinese poems, loved by many English speakers, are two types of Asian poetry that enjoy high popularity among their readers.
  1. greatest。前面有定冠词the修饰,说明莎士比亚被人们认为是最伟大的诗人。
  2. including。include 放在名词前面,用including。
  3. other。前面提到narrative poems, 后面再提到其他的poems 时,用other 修饰。
  4. more。后面有than,因此可以推断出这里是比较级。often 的比较级可以是more often。
  5. at。表示“在几岁的时候”,用at the age of。
  6. known。过去分词做状语。
  7. where。引导定语从句中并在从句中作地点状语。
  8. few。从下文中很多关于莎士比亚的猜测,可以得出关于莎士比亚留下来的纪录是很少的,故用few修饰可数名词records。
  9. religious。在名词前作定语用形容词。
  10. whether。引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,用whether。
  1. B。从其所搭配的宾语loss可得出答案。
  2. C。从第三段的倒数第一句可得知此答案为错误答案。
  3. D。通读全文后可得出答案。
  4. C。此题为推断题,因此选C。
  5. D。其他三个选项都为片面说法。
  Book 6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life
  1. addictive; addicted; addicts 2. strength; strong; strengthened 3. disappointed; disappointing; disappointment 4. ashamed; shameful; shame 5. embarrassment; embarrassed; embarrassing
  Smoking cigarette can have a harmful effect on adolescents. Although many schools have already banned these behaviors, it is still tough for adolescents to quit these habits. According to some students, whenever they feel desperate, they will feel like smoking because they consider it as a good way to release their stress. However, what they do not realize is that smoking is really bad for their lung. Those who smoke a lot will become breathless quickly and will not enjoy sport as much as before.
  1. has been addicted to 2. Due to 3. In spite of4. be accustomed to 5. feels ashamed of 6. decides on 7. feels like
  Q1: It is James’s grandpa who writes this letter and he is now living a long and a healthy life.
  Q2: Grandpa writes this letter to give some advice to James on the harm of smoking as well as on how to get rid of this habit.
  参考摘要:Grandpa has been living a long and a healthy life and he has written a letter to give some advice to his grandchild James on the harm of smoking as well as on how to get rid of this habit.
  It has now become a trend that more and more teenagers are getting into the habit of smoking cigarette though it is of great harm to their health. According to them, smoking serves a good way to release their stress and strain. However, they fail to realize that smoking can also do great harm to their physical health. For one thing, smoking does terrible damage to one’s heart and lungs, which will cause one to become breathless quickly. For another, people who smoke will smell terrible and their fingers will turn yellow, which will have a negative effect on their personal image.
  To get rid of the habit of smoking, some steps must be taken. To start with, you should be determined enough not to touch a single cigarette again and if possible, throw all the remaining cigarettes away. Besides, find some ways to relax yourself every time you feel depressed and feel like smoking. You may try some chewing gum or do some sports to make yourself refresh rather than reach for a cigarette.
  1. creative。作定语,用形容词。
  2. however。表示转折,前后有标点时,用however。
  3. as。搭配:as...as。
  4. others。表示泛指 “其他人”。
  5. a。a sense of表示“……的感觉”。
  6. which。引导非限定性定语从句并在从句中作主语。
  7. with。表示伴随,“有,具有”的意思。
  8. who。先行词是表示人的those,只能由who引导定语从句。
  9. by。by这里表示上升的程度。
  10. wanting。表示主动关系,用现在分词作定语。
  1. B。主旨大意题。文章的主题是沐浴的过程中人们也会接触到很多细菌,但是后文也讲到这些细菌不会对健康构成威胁。
  2. C。推断题。联系上下文可以得知,洗澡时花洒会喷出大量的细菌,这些细菌(little creature)会传播到家庭里面。
  3. B。细节理解题。文章第二段第二句话有提示。
  4. D。细节理解题。文章第二段倒数第三句有提示。
  5. C。猜测词义题。上一句话提到细菌一般不会对人构成威胁,因此只有免疫能力较差的那些需要特别小心。
  Unit 4 Global Warming
  1. tendency, tend 2. existence, exist 3. refresh, refreshment, refreshing 4. educate, educated, education 5. contributes, contributions
  Start from Today
  Do you want to breathe the fresh air everyday? Do you want to have a clear sky overhead in which you can see stars at night? Do you want to swim in limpid river with peddles lying silent down it? If so, please join me in environment protection. And let’s start from today.
  First, people tend to make it convenient to keep switches on even when not using them. Make sure to turn off all the electrical appliance after using it. You have saved much energy in doing so.
  Second, don’t deal with waste at random. Remember to sort the trash before you put them into the dustbin, for some can be recycled.
  Third, try to go to school in an environmentally friendly way. Go to school by public transportation instead of private cars.
  Forth, put tree planting into your schedule because more tree means more oxygen, which will do good to global warming.
  At last, advocate an economical life and find opportunities to educate the people around you. You can start with your family members, friends and classmates, etc.
  Join me and your commitment to environment protection will be paid back.
  1. come about 2. results in 3. goes up 4. on behalf of 5. keep on 6. quantities of 7. On the whole 8. subscribe to
  1. but。通过old 与new的前后句对比,指出新的研究发现。
  2. facing。现在分词做定语,修饰population。
  3. severity。冠词后用名词。
  4. that。以that 引导的同位语从句补充说明probability的内容,从句不缺少任何成分。
  5. recorded。过去分词做定语,修饰any。
  6. who。非限定性定语从句,先行词是人只能用who。
  7. more。通过“even”可以判断出这里用比较级。
  8. deadly。deadly为形容词修饰名词heat wave,意为“致命的”。
  9. like。介词,表示“像,如同”。
  10. the。最高级前面要加the。
  Unit 5 The power of nature
  1. equipped, equipment 2. appointed, appointment 3. erupting, eruption 4. comforts, comfortable 5. shot, shot6. appreciation7. anxiety 8. consciousness, unconscious 9. diversity 10. absolutely
  1. In order to get rid of the feeling of anxiety about the new task appointed by his new manager, Wilson asked for a leave.
  2. They went to a small unknown island and they were cooking fish over the fire alongside the beach, chatting and laughing.
  3. When realizing there was an earthquake, they were all in panic.
  4. The island was actually a dormant volcano in the sea.
  5. When his story was published, he was considered to be a potential writer.
  In order to get rid of the feeling of anxiety about the new task appointed by his new manager, Wilson asked for a leave. He then, along with four of his friends, took a boat trip to a small unknown island. They were cooking fish over the fire alongside the beach, chatting and laughing. Suddenly, they felt that the earth was trembling under their feet. When realizing there was an earthquake, they were all in panic, but fortunately they somehow managed to get into their boat and set off. On their return journey, they saw the island erupting and rising! The island was actually a dormant volcano in the sea. When he went back home, he wrote down his experience and sent it to a magazine! It was published not long before and he was considered by the critics as a potential writer.
  三、词组运用 (参考例文)
  I am fond of my job as being a volcanologist for the simple reason that I like adventure and excitement. One day when I was glancing through the data collected by my assistant, I suddenly sensed something. I looked up and saw the volcano in the distance erupting. Fortunately, having been warned of the possible eruption, the villagers had moved away. But I was still sad to see a previous lively village burned to the ground. The day after the eruption, we tried to get close to the volcano and look into it. Despite the extreme danger and difficulties, we, with modern equipments, managed to make our way to the edge of the crater and collect some lava for later study. We hoped to develop a system which could predict the eruption of a volcano so we could protect human-beings from such a dreadful natural disaster.
  As a volcanologist, the author collected and evaluated the information about Mount Kilauea, which could help to inform people of coming danger. Although the eruption caused great damage, it was a fantastic sight, so he was enthusiastic about his job.
  In the past hundred years, there have been more frequent natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis. The natural power, like the growth of the earth itself and the change of climate, is so huge that it cannot be controlled by human beings.
  Nevertheless, we still cannot deny the fact that human activities have contributed greatly to these dreadful disasters. The emission of carbon dioxide and the deforestation on a large scale have warmed up our planet, causing the climate change. The polluted water produced by the factories and commercial activities have wiped out many species.
  There is no doubt that natural disasters caused great damage to human-beings. No one can forget how the earthquake in Sichuan startled all over the world. It caused millions of people to be killed or become homeless and even destroyed a whole village or a whole city.
  We human seem to be tiny and week facing natural power and we haven’t had any way to avoid the disasters, but we can take actions, say planting more trees as well as reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and recycling the used water, to protect our sole living home.
  1. C。从下文看出北京市想要保护水资源,减少水资源的浪费,这里是表示禁止干净水洗车,因此用ban。
  2. A。对应上文出现的the use of fresh water,这里用consumption,表示“消耗”。
  3. C。因为这个句子后用了instead,就是说要用循环利用的水代替干净水洗车,因此选recycled。
  4. D。上下文可得出,make a difference to:对……有作用。
  5. A。因为下午有”control the temperature of their rooms”和”Even if the temperature is too high”可得知这里指的是中央暖气。
  6. B。equipment作“设备,器材”解,是不可数名词;device 表示“装置,设计,策略,设备”;facility是可数名词,常用复数形式,facilities指为某一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务等等;tool则表示“工具”。
  7. B。根据上下文,actually=in fact。
  8. D。exploration表示“探索”,expense表示“费用”,expedition表示“远征,探险”, exploitation表示“开采,开发”,这里是指自然界的开发,所以用exploitation。
  9. C。因为句子用although连接,所以两个分句是转折关系,第二个分句所讲的是措施能够减缓全球变暖,所以第一个分句应该是讲这些措施几乎不能马上见效。
  10. A。减缓全球变暖是减少极端天气的原因。
  1. at。表示“在一瞬间”。
  2. how。表示感叹,“多么”,修饰形容词desperate。
  3. As。作连词,引导时间状语从句。
  4. brightly。修饰lit,lit是过去分词作定语,形容classroom。
  5. facing。现在分词作状语。
  6. is。一般现在时表示状态或者常识。
  7. such。修饰名词,表示“这样”。
  8. but。介词,表示“除了……外”
  9. a。指成为“一段”历史,用不定冠词a。
  10. However/Nevertheless。前后两句的逻辑关系是转折,且前后有标点,故填副词。
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