计划早下达 项目早落实 资金早投放 贷款早见效——农发行召开扶贫贷款项目落实情况汇报会

来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsb66
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4月17日至19日,农业发展银行在甘肃省兰州市召开了扶贫贷款项目落实情况汇报会,这是继去年10月贵阳信贷扶贫工作会议后的又一次重要会议。它是对扶贫信贷工作是否实现“计划早下达,项目早落实,资金早投放,贷款早见效”的一次实际检验,也是对扶贫信贷工作是否真扶贫,扶真贫的质量验证。这次会议总行党组十分重视,会前朱元樑行长专门听取了开发信贷部对会议准备情况的汇报。会议期间,朱利副行长自始至终参加并做了总结讲话。国务院扶贫办副主任蒋晓华同志到会听取汇报并作了指示。参加会议的21个省市区分行开发信贷处处长总结交流了各自的经验,汇报了1997年扶贫贷款项目落实的情况,分析了当前面临的形势 From April 17 to April 19, the Agricultural Development Bank held a briefing on the implementation of poverty alleviation loans in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. This is yet another important meeting following the work conference on alleviating poverty in Guiyang in October last year. It is an actual examination of whether the work on poverty-alleviating credit is fulfilled or not, that “the plan will be released as early as possible, the project will be implemented early, the fund will be put in early, and the loan will be effective early.” This is also a qualitative test of whether poverty-alleviating credit work is really helping the poor and helping the poor. The party group headed by the General Assembly attached great importance to the meeting. President Zhu Yuanliang specially listened to the report prepared by the Development and Credit Bureau on preparations for the meeting before the meeting. During the meeting, Vice President Jully attended and made concluding remarks. Comrade Jiang Xiaohua, deputy director of the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office, will attend the meeting and give instructions. The heads of the development credit departments of the 21 provinces and municipalities participating in the meeting summed up and exchanged their experiences and reported the implementation of the poverty alleviation loan projects in 1997 and analyzed the current situation
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