Biological weathering of phlogopite during enriched vermicomposting

来源 :土壤圈(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:D159357
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As the dominant macrofauna in many soils,earthworms play a significant role in mineral weathering and nutrient release from mineral structures into available forms for root uptake.Phlogopite is a trioctahedral micaceous mineral that can be weathered to other minerals through release of its interlayer potassium (K).In this study,we investigated the effect of earthworm activities and associated microbial communities on phlogopite weathering during the production of phlogopite-enriched vermicompost with different quantities of phlogopite added.An experiment was run under laboratory conditions using three levels of phlogopite (0,20% and 40% by weight) in triplicates.Each Petri dish contained 20 g of a mixture of cow manure and phlogopite,and vermicomposting process was performed by inoculation of eight Eiseniafoetida earthworms.Changes in clay mineralogy and C/N ratio in each dish were assessed at days 0,45,90,135,and 180 during vermicomposting.The results indicated that phlogopite was partially weathered to vermiculite and interstratified mica-vermiculite during the vermicomposting process.The rate of weathering was higher during the early stages of vermicomposting (the first 90 d).The weathering of phlogopite was influenced considerably by the activity of earthworms and associated microbial communities during the organic matter transformation process.At the early stages of the process,the weathering rate for different levels of phlogopite was not significantly different,but over time it accelerated steadily,and the difference increased.
摘 要:为探讨夏季刈割对油莎豆分蘖、地下块茎和地上茎叶产量以及茎叶营养品质的影响。在油莎豆大田内设夏秋季2次刈割及秋季1次刈割(对照)区进行比较研究。研究结果表明,与秋季刈割区相比,夏秋季刈割区的油莎豆分蘖数提升了64.7%;且地上茎叶增产效果显著,鲜、干茎叶增产水平分别为133%,97.3%,地下块茎产量无显著差异(P>0.05),但夏秋季刈割区油莎豆的块茎百粒质量显著低于秋季刈割区(P<0.
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