Dating formation of natural gas pools using fluid inclusion data from reservoirs

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boluoxj
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A method has been suggested which is based on the homogenization temperatures and other data of fluid inclusions from a reservoir rock, with the combination of burial and geothermal history of the hosted rock, to date the gas reservoir formation. On the basis of this, a case study of the Carboniferous-Permian gas pools in the Ordos Basin has been conducted. The results have shown that the reservoir sandstones of the gas pool were filled by gases during 125-150 Ma, earlier in the southern area and later in the northern area, which is consistent with the basin’s geological and geochemical background under which the gas pools formed. A method has been suggested which is based on the homogenization temperatures and other data of fluid inclusions from a reservoir rock, with the combination of burial and geothermal history of the hosted rock, to date the gas reservoir formation. On the basis of this, a case study of the Carboniferous-Permian gas pools in the Ordos Basin has been conducted. The results have shown that the reservoir sandstones of the gas pool were filled by gases during 125-150 Ma, earlier in the southern area and later in the northern area , which is consistent with the basin’s geological and geochemical background under which the gas pools formed.
摘要:如果说学校的教育教学活动是一出时刻上演的大戏,那么教师就是戏中台前幕后变换着的不同角色,必须通过自己的努力才能上演别样的精彩,而能否赢得众人的喝彩就在于教师自己需要不断地进行角色修炼。  关键词:教师;角色;提升  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)21-014-1  一、课前的教师是编剧  俗话说“没有金刚钻别揽瓷器活。”教师犹如编剧,首先要具备能
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