Parameter identification of nonlinear system via a dynamic frequency approach and its energy harvest

来源 :力学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colawing1
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A dynamic frequency-based parameter identification approach is applied for the nonlinear system with periodic responses.Starting from the energy equation,the presented method uses a dynamic frequency to precisely obtain the analytical limit cycle expression of nonlinear system and utilizes it as the mathematic foundation for parameter identification.Distinguished from the time-domain approaches,the strategy of using limit cycle to describe the system response is unaffected by the influence of phase change.The analytical expression is fitted with the value sets from phase coordinates measured in periodic oscillation of the nonlinear systems,and the unknown parameters are identified with the interior-reflective Newton method.Then the performance of this identification methodology is verified by an oscillator with nonlinear stiffness and damping.Besides,numerical simulations under noisy environment also verify the efficiency and robustness of the identification procedure.Finally,we apply this parameter identification method to the modeling of a large-amplitude energy harvester,to improve the accuracy of mechanical modeling.Not surprisingly,good agreement is achieved between the experimental data and identified parameters.It also verifies that the proposed approach is less time-consuming and more accuracy in identification procedure.
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