Effect of Haimiding on the functioning of red cell membrane of FC and H22 tumor-bearing mice

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shpeipei
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AIM: To study the effect of Haimiding on the functioning of red cell membrane of FC and H22 tumor-bearing mice.METHODS: The membrane fluidity of red cells is measured with DPH fluorescence probe as a marker; the amount of red cell membrane proteins is measured using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; the amount of sialic acid (SA) on the surface of red cell membrane and the sealability of these cells are measured using colorimetric analysis.RESULTS: Haimiding can lower the membrane fluidity of red cells in tumor-bearing mice and the amount of their membrane proteins, while increasing the amount of sialic acid in the membrane of red cells in these mice and enhancing the ability of the membrane of their red cells to reseal.CONCLUSION: The anti-tumor effect of Haimiding on tumorbearing mice is due to its ability to improve and restore the functions of the membrane of their red cell and to enhance the immune effect of the organisms.
目的 分析阿托伐他汀钙应用于2型糖尿病合并冠心病患者临床治疗的效果.方法 随机选取2017年1月-2018年1月到我院进行治疗的2型糖尿病合并冠心病患者70例,采取数学随机方式将
目的 观察中心静脉置管血液透析患者的通路再循环、尿素减少率(URR)及尿素清除指数(Kt/V),评价中心静脉置管通路再循环对透析充分性的影响.方法 选择中心静脉置管维持性血液透析患者40例,透析时血液流速均为250 ml/min,透析液流量500 ml/min,透析治疗每周3次,每次4h,均用F7HPS透析器;采用葡萄糖注射试验测定并计算通路再循环,查透析前及透析后尿素氮,计算URR及Kt/V.结
我院自2010年7月18日开始应用飞秒激光(Femtosecond Intralaser,FL)联合准分子原位角膜磨镶术(Laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)治疗近视。2010年7月至2010年11月共完成FL LASIK 295例(587眼),手术效果良好,现将护理技术及其特点报告如下。关键词:飞秒激光;准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术,近视;护理
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