
来源 :国外医学(内分泌学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peggy721
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本研究旨在于用剪下的趾甲中硒含量查明是否在通常饮食吸收的微量硒是妇女发生乳腺癌的因素。作者自1976~1986年采用双盲法,即病例与对照的配对研究。资料是62641例登记在册的健康护士,她们来自美国波士顿等11个州,年龄30~55岁,无肿瘤病史。1982年送交一套剪下的脚趾甲,对调查表的回收率为95.9%。在调查表里收集了再生育史,家族史,吸烟史及其他危险性因素。作者通过测定放射性硒的同质异构转变来分析趾甲的硒含量。 The aim of this study was to determine whether selenium levels in clipped toenails are a factor in the development of breast cancer in women as they are absorbed in the usual diet. The authors used double-blind method from 1976 to 1986, that is, the paired study of cases and controls. The data are 62,641 registered health nurses from 11 states in Boston, U.S.A., ages 30-55, with no history of cancer. In 1982, a set of cut toenails was delivered, with a 95.9% response rate to the questionnaire. Reproductive history, family history, smoking history and other risk factors were collected in the questionnaire. The authors analyzed the selenium content of nails by measuring the isomeric transition of radioactive selenium.
刘文立警官,北京市公安局西城分局北海公园派出所的一名公安民警。虽然只是一名普通的警察,但是他那会说13种外语的“绝活”可真是不简单。一般人学习一门外语就已经犯难 Li
2009年1月,汤唯登上中国版《Vogue》的封面女郎。从这一刻开始,备受争议、蛰伏他乡的她在经纪公司的诚意扶助下开始了步步为营、谨慎低调的突围之路。 January 2009, Tang W